Karl Heyes
Karl Heyes
the retry-delay should be something like 120 by default but can be overridden on a per-relay basis. It should always be retrying that assuming the relay is not made inactive....
historically, listmounts did not include listener details, although a hack was added some time ago where you could add with_listeners parameter. karl
can you check against kh16.3 (https://github.com/karlheyes/icecast-kh/tags). I suspect it's down to a lock imbalance karl
ok, shoudl see it at karlheyes.github.io/icecast-2.4.0-kh16.3_win64_setup.exe I'm nearing a kh17 update so let me know of anything karl
the agents issue could be just a case-sensitive issue. The is a case insensitive setting that may usable which is something that could apply to agents. I'd have to check...
are you seeing any other requests being made from the player to verify something like OPTIONS or similar. An alias would not make any material difference to things like icy...
check for FNMATCH in the config.h first, because if that is stuffed then we need to look at that. The useragent wildcard matching is working here [2023-01-08 02:12:26] DBUG util/add_generic_text...
ok, try the link from before again. karlheyes.github.io/icecast-2.4.0-kh16.3_win64_setup.exe windows does not have the basic library for handling that, so it is supposed to use to shipped version, but I don't...
thanks the verifying. Still not sure on the issue with the alias yet, as you have not specified whether other requests came in, and the fact that its a web...
hmm ok, let me recheck some things here