This would be a really useful enhancement, even more so if we could define the number of columns/rows. Thanks.
Another first-time installer here having the same issue. I've removed the MMM-Todoist folder and re-cloned it, but no change. Is there a log file anywhere? I've also double checked the...
I've just seent that the API is now on version 9 (another open issue) and i've added ``` apiversion: 'v9', apiBase: "https://todoist.com/API" ``` to the config, but this also makes...
Hey all, for those still having this issue, i think it may be related to the v9 API. I've just changed my config and tripple checked my access token, projects,...
I know the last few posts have been mine, but i can confirm that you do not need both labels and projects. I'm pulling from projects, and have three seperate...
having the same issue. I initially thought I had made too many requests as I had set it to refresh every five minutes, but i guess this isn't the case...
I agree, Moving to Jellyseerr from Ombi and a news letter is something that is configurable. I always found it handy seeing what had been added to my server overnight...