jruby-rack-worker copied to clipboard
Queue is being ignored with delayed job
It seems like the queue param is being ignored by the delayed job
Yet jobs from dj_queue_2 would still be picked up
Output of JRuby::Rack::Worker::ENV shows the queue is set
delayed_job (4.1.5)
activesupport (>= 3.0, < 5.3)
delayed_job_active_record (4.1.3)
activerecord (>= 3.0, < 5.3)
delayed_job (>= 3.0, < 5)
Rails 4.2.10 Tomcat
Everything else works as expected
Upon further investigation:
Printing queues
inside JRubyWorker returns empty array
Removing :queues
seems to resolve the issue. Although this does not seem like a valid solution
guess, it really depends what queues
you print inside the worker sub-class.
DJ assumes being the one and only process, thus settings are 'global' ... on Delayed::Worker
but since all of them are used as self.class.option
what start_worker.rb
ends up doing is setting the passed options "local" for the current thread (thus multiple workers can start with different ones without interference) in a way that self.class.option
is a thread-local value.
guess I never checked the backend implementations where the queue (at least for delayed_job_active_record) seems to be accessed directly as Delayed::Worker.queues
, so the trick can not work as it does for other attributes.
set the queue on your own and it should work Delayed::Worker.queues = $servlet_context['QUEUES']
as for the fix, the only option left seems to be to patch Delayed::Worker
... not sure that is a good direction.
alternative would be to patch the backend, which will likely end up a mess.