Ka-Radio32 copied to clipboard
No ip found
Release 2.2 R2
For some radio stations writes No ip found while these radio stations are normally worked out in the browser and I get the IP address for a ping. What can this be connected to?
1/ update please, 2/ an example may be useful
Work on 2.3 R0
Name: Novoe Radio Voronezh
Genre: Pop
Log level is now ESP_LOG_INFO ##CLI.STOPPED# from Post instPlay I (297943) Webclient: SSL Cleanup 1 Socket: 58 I (298073) Webclient: watermark : b0 176 ##CLI.URLSET#: https://emgregion.hostingradio.ru ##CLI.PATHSET#: /voronezh.novoe.mp3 ##CLI.PORTSET#: 8064 ##CLI.OVOLSET#: 0(298093) Webclient: IP: 8dbc0f33 ADDR: ##CLI.VOL#: 61 I (299403) Webclient: Set Song buffer to 400k ##CLI.ICY0#: Novoe Radio Voronezh ##CLI.ICY4#: Pop ##CLI.META#: ##CLI.PLAYING#
I (300973) audio_player: Buffer fill 16%, 66642 // 409600 bytes I (314003) audio_player: Buffer fill 20%, 83119 // 409600 bytes