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nft-staking copied to clipboard

NFT-Staking-Smart-Contract, reward will be given in ERC20


NFT-Staking Smart Contract for 1 month, 6months, and 12 months.


Get all Tokens Details

Duration APR Reward % Reward Tokens
01 Month 05 NPY
06 Months 10 NPY
12 Months 15 NPY
After 1 Year 15 NPY

Important Step

create .env file in root directory.

-Get Your API Key

-Get Your Sepolia Faucet

-Get Your Mumbai Faucet

NPM Packages

Tech Stack

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone [email protected]:karangorania/nft-staking.git

Go to the project directory

  cd nft-staking

Install dependencies

  npm install


  npx hardhat compile


  npx hardhat test

Deploy on Mumbai

  node scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai

Deploy on Sepolia

  npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

Verify Contract

You can verify your contract on the desired network using the npx hardhat verify command. Replace <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> with the address of the contract you want to verify. If your contract requires constructor arguments, replace <WITH_ARGUMENT_IF_REQUIRED> with those arguments. Note that providing constructor arguments is optional and only necessary if your contract requires them.

For the Mumbai network:

npx hardhat verify --network mumbai <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <WITH_ARGUMENT_IF_REQUIRED>

For the Sepolia network:

npx hardhat verify --network sepolia <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <WITH_ARGUMENT_IF_REQUIRED>


  npx hardhat help

Check on Mumbai Explorer

Check on Rinkeby Explorer