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FCM : FirePush is a lightweight Kotlin/Android library to send FCM push notifications to Android, iOS & Web like a pro.
FirePush - A Lightweight Kotlin Library for sending FCM push notification
Hi, I made this Library for a Chat based project I was working on. So I decided to make it publicly available. It is light weight Library. I have used Java's HttpURLConnection for network requests along with Kotlin Coroutines.
Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.karanatwal:FirePush:1.0.0'
Step 1. Get Server Key and add below in your Application's/Activity's onCreate
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Step 2. Use Below to send Push Notification.
.setTitle("TITLE HERE")
.setBody("BODY HERE")
.setCallback { pushCallback, exception ->
//get response here
.toIds("TOKEN ID 1","TOKEN ID 2",...) //toTopic("FOR TOPIC") or toCondition("CONDITION HERE")
There are many other functions :
.toTopic("")// or toIds or toCondition
There is detailed Documentation regarding FCM keys are given here.
Please mark Star, if you find this library useful, Thanks!!