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Upgrade to Python 3 and Django 2.1.4 and update all dependencies
This is a massive upgrade which fixes some bugs, probably introduces many others, and is absolutely not backwards compatible with an existing installation. This is probably not ready to be merged but I am starting this PR to begin conversation and review.
The core functions are now working. Here's what I have left to do:
- ~Test / fix apache2 and nginx setup with the new pipenv/venv default config~
- ~Test / fix torrent import scripts~
- ~Test / fix transcoder~
- ~Test / fix qobuz~
- ~Test / fix MySQL 8~
- ~Update wiki for this version~
- ~Test fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04~
- ~Test fresh install on Ubuntu 16.04~
- ~Create migration guide~ Migration Guide
Things I know which are incompatible with previous installs:
- settings.py file gets many changes
- removed transmission_new.py (moved to transmission_provision --new)
- Pipenv w/ Pipfile instead of requirements.txt
- setup.sh changed to use Pipenv instead
- systemd is now enabled by default
- Python3! (obviously)
- Apache is no longer required as it is automatically built and added to the venv. A whatmanager service file is created to manage the webserver
- Celery start command has changed so if you had automated that before, you'll need to update your service file
- 'queue' app has been renamed to 'what_queue' to avoid module conflicts and preserve consistency with other wm apps
Begin testing and yelling please. Thanks to anyone who looks at this and decides to try it!
@faircopy you might be interested in this with regard to your docker configuration
@MADindustries This is massive! Congrats. Please mention me again when the things to fix are fixed.
@karamanolev this is now complete enough for release. I have done lots of testing and have rewritten relevant portions of the wiki here: https://github.com/MADindustries/WhatManager2/wiki
There is also now a migration guide: https://github.com/MADindustries/WhatManager2/wiki/Migrating-an-existing-WM2-installation-to-WM2-Py3-Django2
Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is a way to do a PR for the wiki. However, the wiki is treated as a repo so you would be able to pull mine and push to yours if you wish.
I'm not really sure what the best method is to let people know this upgrade will break things but I'm open to suggestions. You got any ideas?
Let me know if you need me to change/update/fix anything. Merry Christmas everyone!
~EDIT: Just found an issue with the search function. Will attempt to fix tomorrow. Stand by~
@karamanolev search is fixed now too. Good to go whenever you are (assuming there is a clean upgrade plan)
Probably doesn't matter at this point but just in case, don't merge this yet. Found a few more issues related to special characters