authors-block copied to clipboard
Move affiliation from below to above the table of contents (toc)
Minor detail: If a table of contents is rendered, the affiliations are currently below it. For simplicity, however, I would expect the affiliations to be between the author names and (above) the table of contents.
Regardless: Many thanks for this awesome template!
Using this _quarto.yml
title: "Authors-block Example"
- name: John Doe
- ref: jdct
corresponding: true
email: [email protected]
orcid: 0000-1111-2222-3333
equal-contributor: true
- name: John Roe
- ref: jdct
orcid: 0000-3333-2222-1111
- name: Jane Roe
- ref: jdct
- ref: iot
orcid: 0000-2222-1111-3333
equal-contributor: true
- id: jdct
name: John Doe Center for Technology, John Doe University, Doetown, Germany.
- id: iot
name: Institute of Technology, John Doe University, Doetown, Germany.
- authors-block
#native: default
toc: true
pdf: default
# Brings Quarto's Standardized Authors- & Affiliations-Block to docx-Documents
## Heading 2
Demo text.
Produces this output (with the affiliation below the table of contents):
Thx for this catch. I'll have a look into this soon.
Hi @tarleb , it seems as if the toc information is included in the "meta" element, as affiliations, contribution statements etc. are added to the body. However, I have not found a possibility to access the "toc" from meta (actually, I do not know which key to use as "toc", "tableofcontents", "table-of-contents" all seem to be wrong), to move the toc to the beginning of the body-list. Any ideas how to solve this?
This is a known limitation and currently not really solvable. Pandoc 3 will come with support for advanced custom writers, we'll have to wait till then.