Aaron Kaw
Aaron Kaw
Seconding this feature, All my collapse-ibles have a starting page labelled "Introduction" so there are "Introduction" pages everywhere. Need the conciseness of having the collapsible menu item also be a...
I'm imagining an Interval Arithmetic extension that loops through all the NaNMath.jl functions, giving them methods that fallback to Base (or other, e.g. SpecialFunctions.jl) on Interval inputs? I'm happy to...
I've added fallbacks for NaNMath.jl functions that have equivalents in Base. But only for `Interval` inputs. Will next start looking at more specific input types, e.g. `Complex{
So apparently there's already some headway on falling back NaNMath functions to Base. https://github.com/JuliaMath/NaNMath.jl/issues/66 This would enable not just IntervalArithmetic but also Symbolics and other people's custom `Number`/`Real`/`AbstractFloat` types to...
Ribbon plot tests pass. These changes don't break regression - same test results before my changes. Otherwise, let me know if you need me to change my code.
Would it be appropriate to try and feed `x` to `f` instead of erroring?
What do you mean by "symbolic in some form"? Is `Complex{Num}` an example?
IntervalArithmetic would benefit from this too. I was just about to submit a pull request for a NaNMath extension in IntervalArithmetic, then realised it would be more effective if NaNMath...
Now to use Supposition.jl for Julia 1.11+.