screen-recorder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
screen-recorder copied to clipboard

A Ruby gem to video record and take screenshots of your desktop or specific application window. Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Results 7 screen-recorder issues
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On Microsoft Windows, title for `calc.exe` is Calculator in the GUI, but `#fetch` returns `CicMarshalWnd` based on the information in the Task Manager. In these cases, the user will have...

doc / wiki

`WindowTitles.fetch 'chrome', strict: true` or `full_match: true`. This will only return titles with "chrome" in them, and filter out the OLE ones.


As I have already informed you, I am recording more than one windows here. I just rearranged the code to take each window per recorder like shown below recorders= ["one.exe",...


```, browser) ``` use `browser` object to interact with `Watir::Browser` interface. Also support Selenium Ruby.



This could be an alternate approach to recording to disk and then calling `#discard` when the test passes.


Screen recorder works with ChildProcess 4.1.0 but it's not working with 5.0. Can you increase this limit? last time same issue happened and you fixed here ``` C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.3.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1480:in `rescue...