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How to add option element in select field.
Hi Miguel,
Stupid question, how do you add option elements in the select field of the forms?
I looked and I noticed that it seems to use the same traits as the forms package from grapesjs plugin, but I still don't get it.
I noticed that when dropping the select element it adds a default option.
<select class="form-control" id="i54ef"><option value="">- Select option -</option><option value="1">Option 1</option></select>
Like this, but when I click on the select element in the canvas, I don't see the options appear in the options trait.
That's weird, I have this set in the component settings:
What version of GrapesJs are you using? Mine is 0.14.52
EDIT: I just realized that enabling the gjs-preset-webpage plugin makes the select box work correctly.
I tried installing the forms plugin standalone in hopes to make it work, as the code required for the traits is in that package, but it didn't work no matter how I tested it.
I had to copy this code
const trm = editor.TraitManager;
trm.addType('select-options', {
'keyup': 'onChange',
onValueChange: function () {
var optionsStr = this.model.get('value').trim();
var options = optionsStr.split('\n');
var optComps = [];
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var optionStr = options[i];
var option = optionStr.split('::');
var opt = {
tagName: 'option',
attributes: {}
if(option[1]) {
opt.content = option[1];
opt.attributes.value = option[0];
} else {
opt.content = option[0];
opt.attributes.value = option[0];
var comps ='components');
getInputEl: function() {
if (!this.$input) {
var md = this.model;
var trg =;
var name = md.get('name');
var optionsStr = '';
var opts = {placeholder: ''};
var options = trg.get('components');
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var option = options.models[i];
var optAttr = option.get('attributes');
var optValue = optAttr.value || '';
optionsStr += `${optValue}::${option.get('content')}\n`;
this.$input = document.createElement('textarea');
this.$input.value = optionsStr;
return this.$input;
And put it after my editor instance in order for the options to appear now and to be able to change them.
Before doing this, when changing it, it had a weird effect, it put a ""=""
attribute or something similar in the select tag.
No idea why in the preset plugin it would work when you install it, maybe because of the way it loads things?
I didn't want to install it because I am trying to only install the packages I use.
A quick note, are you able to click on the select to see the dropdown options in preview mode?
I am not able to see them at all except of I look at the code.
Thanks for your help!
Let me look into this code, I will try to integrate it so that this package doesn't have to rely on the gjs-preset-webpage plugin.
Regarding the click event in the select, this is not working, I did notice this before but didn't look into it because the main GrapesJS demo doesn't do this either. Maybe I can get this to work somehow.
Alright, so I integrated the code into the plugin, additionally you can pass the optionsStringSeparator in the config if you want to use another separator instead of the '::'
Default separator:
::- Select option -
1::Option 1
Custom separator:
|- Select option -
1|Option 1
Awesome, thanks a bunch, I will test it out. I also found it not intuitive on how to add the options, I would've thought they would think to add a + button to add an option with the name and value fields, instead of it being a textarea like that.
But it works for now which is great!
Yeah, I also thought that, maybe I can try to do something about the select's options in the traits.