eses icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
eses copied to clipboard

Screenshot scripts with QR Scanner feature


Screenshot script with QR Scanner feature (Forked from u/LithiumFrost Codes)

Name Meaning

How you pronounce "SS"? yeah.


Basic screenshot script with QR Scanner feature (yes i wrote this twice). Good for making a keybind for screenshots (you can use another decent apps/scripts, really)
It should be noted that the cursor isn't included in screenshots.


  • added user config support
  • added wayland support (big thanks to WTechNinja (jump to his repo) ( the wayland support belongs to WTechNinja )


  • --whole
    • Screenshot whole screen and save it as a file in your desired folders (set it yourself by changing the config)
  • --select
    • Screenshot selected area / selected window, and save it as a file
  • --whole_cp
    • Screenshot whole screen and put it on clipboard without saving (save the precious Kb on your HDD/SSD)
  • --select_cp
    • Screenshot selected area / selected window, and put it on clipboard
      • if there's a QR Code detected in the pictures, it will try to scan it
        • if it fails, it will leave the screenshot copied on the clipboard
        • if it succeeds, user will be prompted to copy either the screenshot or scanned result Dialog
  • --help
    • Show help page with information on basic usage


All of the default configuration is in the beginning of the eses script with plenty of comments, and it will likely change. As of writing this, the default config is:

# Notification title when a screenshot is saved to disk, or copied to clipboard

# Notification text when a screenshot is captured, and saved to disk
succ_noTex="Screenshot saved!"

# Notification text when a screenshot is captured, and copied to clipboard
succ_noTex_cp="Screenshot copied to clipboard!"

# Notification title when a QR Code is scanned and copied to clipboard
succ_noTit_sccop="QR Code scan result"

# Prompt dialog title when qr code scanned

# Prompt dialog text when qr code scanned
dia_tex="QR Code detected, and sucessfully scanned.\n Do you want to copy the scan result instead?"

# Prompt dialog copy image button
dia_imgcop_butt="Copy image"

# Prompt dialog copy scan result button
dia_sccop_butt="Copy scan result"

# Screenshot save dir

# Screenshot file name

You can configure these settings by creating "config" files under ~/.config/eses/ (it should create the config files automatically)








Install stable version

just copy it to executable path and make it executable and boom

Using git clone (on /usr/local/bin)
cd /tmp
git clone
cd eses
sudo mv eses /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eses
Using WGET (on /usr/local/bin)

man page not included, download it yourself

sudo mv eses /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eses

Install specific branch version

This is only useful for testing new features, we recommend you stick to the stable version

go to whichever branch you want, download eses and make it executable and put it somewhere

Using git clone (on /usr/local/bin)

Replace <placeholder> with the name of the branch you want, like beta or config

cd /tmp
git clone
cd eses
git checkout <placeholder>
sudo mv eses /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eses
Using WGET (on /usr/local/bin)

man page not included, download it yourself

Replace <placeholder> with the name of the branch you want, like beta or config

sudo mv eses /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eses
Rewrite the thing (when Copy and Paste are bloat. Works for any branch)
open your favorite text editor
write the entire thing
put it in random folder

Building the man page

dependencies: pandoc, gzip is just a markdown file, feel free to edit it to your liking and then, while in the man folder run;

pandoc -s -t man -o eses.1	
gzip eses.1 -c > eses.1.gz

then the generated eses.1.gz file can be installed in /usr/local/man/man1

# Make /usr/local/man/man1 if it doesn't already exist
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1

sudo mv eses.1.gz /usr/local/man/man1/
sudo mandb

After that, you can use man eses to view the man page.

Config File

upon first run, the config file will be generated under /home/$USER/.config/eses/

the script will automatically generate the directory and config file with default configuration inside if there's no config directory and/or config file. no worry i get you

BUT, sometimes the script be kinda silly and wont create .config file by itself. You can create the config files by yourself under ~/.config/ folder. Refer to Github for the configuration.


please contribute something, even adding a comment is appreciated.