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希望加一个设置HTTPMethodsEncodingParametersInURI入口,或者不要每次都去调用[AFHTTPRequestSerializer serializer](原因:AFN默认把DELETE方式参数拼接在url上,想放在body里)
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- [x] 我已经阅读过 贡献指南 I have read and understood the CONTRIBUTING guide
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- [x] 我已经证实这个问题来源于 YTKNetwork 本身,而不是其所依赖的 AFNetworking I have confirmed that this issue is caused by YTKNetwork, not AFNetworking
- [x] 我已经在项目的 问题列表 中搜索过并且没有找到类似问题 I have searched for a similar issue in the project and found none
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Please fill in the detailed description of the issue (full output of any stack trace, compiler error, ...) and the steps to reproduce the issue.
写给个分类 YTKNetworkAgent+AFHTTPRequestSerializer ; 重写 这个方法
- (AFHTTPRequestSerializer *)requestSerializerForRequest:(YTKBaseRequest *)request
加上 - requestSerializer.HTTPMethodsEncodingParametersInURI = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"GET", @"HEAD", nil];