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- [x] 我已经证实这个问题来源于 YTKNetwork 本身,而不是其所依赖的 AFNetworking I have confirmed that this issue is caused by YTKNetwork, not AFNetworking
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在不改源码的基础上实现,我的思路是: RegisterApi *reg = [[RegisterApi alloc] initWithUsername:@"username" password:@"password"]; [reg startWithCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(__kindof YTKBaseRequest * _Nonnull request) { NSLog(@"qingqiu =%@",request.responseString); } failure:^(__kindof YTKBaseRequest * _Nonnull request) { NSLog(@"cuowu =%@",request.error); NewRegisterApi *reg = [[NewRegisterApi alloc] initWithUsername:@"username" password:@"password"]; [reg startWithCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(__kindof YTKBaseRequest * _Nonnull request) { NSLog(@"qingqiu =%@",request.responseString); } failure:^(__kindof YTKBaseRequest * _Nonnull request) { NSLog(@"cuowu =%@",request.error); }]; }]; NewRegisterApi和RegisterApi一样的实现,除了要重写baseUrl方法,返回你要请求的新地址。
你可以重写当前请求的 baseUrl
和 buildCustomUrlRequest
/// The baseURL of request. This should only contain the host part of URL, e.g.,
/// See also `requestUrl`
- (NSString *)baseUrl;
/// Use this to build custom request. If this method return non-nil value, `requestUrl`, `requestTimeoutInterval`,
/// `requestArgument`, `allowsCellularAccess`, `requestMethod` and `requestSerializerType` will all be ignored.
- (nullable NSURLRequest *)buildCustomUrlRequest;