Android-studio-material-template copied to clipboard
Item Dividers
Does anyone know a way to add a horizontal divider between items?
Thank you.
You can use mDrawerList.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(getActivity(), R.drawable.drawer_line)); //mDrawerList is RecyclerView
//Divider class public class DividerItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration { private static final int[] ATTRS = new int[]{android.R.attr.listDivider}; private Drawable mDivider;
* Custom divider will be used
public DividerItemDecoration(Context context, int resId) {
mDivider = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, resId);
public void onDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
int right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
int top = child.getBottom() + params.bottomMargin;
int bottom = top + mDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
// drawable file