quickviewer copied to clipboard
Can you remove the limit on the number of bookmarks?
Hello. This is a very good program, really the fastest image viewer I've ever seen! Thanks for good job!
But there is one thing that depresses. The fact is that the program does not save more than 20 bookmarks. I would like to store any number of bookmarks. Or you could introduce another similar function "Favorites" so that everyone could store there any number of favorite images. For me personally, this is a very important part of any image viewer. Thanks!
Sorry for the late reply. I'm at the hotel I am traveling on.
The restriction you pointed out comes from the UI that displays a pull - down menu when pushing on the QuickViewer 's toolbar and selects bookmarks written there.
The pull-down menu is not suitable for arranging so many items, so we limit it to a maximum of 20 items so that you can select by key input in the range 0 - 9, A - J. Even if it increases more, it can not be selected with the mouse, and it can only increase up to 36 at the maximum.
Therefore, in order to fundamentally extend this function, it is necessary to change the UI. For example, it is possible to display a list on the left side of the screen like Folder Window or Catalog Window. It will be even better if you can edit it with a text editor.
Why not make a virtual place for showing the bookmarks only, whereby clicking on the menu item "Bookmarks" we can open the first bookmark (image) and then inside we can move to the right to the next bookmark (or back to the previous bookmark) and so on, so we can view all the bookmarks and navigate between them. Just as a suggestion. Many image viewers can do this. For me, this would be a good feature to the program.
P.S. Sorry for bad English, if I made a mistake somewhere, I'm not a native English speaker.