
Results 20 comments of KyleWong

@loveace 看下你的工程对应的scheme,run里面包括了pre/post action。你可以先移除shell里面的逻辑,再看看是不是移调此逻辑之后jsonpart就有了。

@loveace 因为我已经跑完分析工具了呀 [捂脸] 看上面的$dir/XcodeZombieCodeAnalyzer $dir AppDelegate这句。

@loveace 分析工具面对的对象时源代码,首先你得pod要以源码存在,剩下的和你现在处理的自己的工程一样的,xcode选择自己的clang,载入相应的dylib分析代码和相应的命令行参数就行了。

@snakeD 我看了下我本地的代码 是release_39的代码,我这边的代码里是没有你说的Demangle文件的。signals.cpp也没有类似的符号引用。你确认下你使用的代码版本与分支。

@loveace 你有源码啊,具体要不要分析一个文件本来就可以改动的。再者,分析无用代码的话肯定是要全工程扫描的呀。

Yeah, guys using flutter on the same project should use the same flutter repo. There are several ways to do this, for example: a. All guys using stable1.0 b. Write...

Now, developers in our team use the same git repo of flutter(forked in intra gitlab), even the bin/cache part is tracked. So that we can strictly limit that we all...

@Sunzxyong We have two main considerations: 1. There are serveral patches in engine which can't be upstreamed, but must be applied in our flutter repo. For example: It...

In our practice, developers use the same flutter git repo and branch. a fwn git repo contains ios(git),android(git) and flutter(git).

/cc @timsneath Maybe something like for flutter.