The downloaded one should be correct, while the numbers in the paper might be wrong. On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 1:29 AM Shereen Elsayed wrote: > The number of...
I think the recommendation part could be extended to full-body images, and you should make some slight modifications on the code to do the transfer or adaptation. However, for the...
It's not normal, SASRec should significantly outperform BPR-MF on the datasets you mentioned. This is also observerd in many many other follow-up works like BERT4Rec (
As I remember, test[u][0] should be the validation item. The meaning is: given the training events, plus the validation item (I.e., the second last item), predict the test item (the...
The evaluation is all about time: the training/validation/test partition is based on time; for validation, the task is predicting the second last item in the user sequence given training events...
It follows the same setting in DCGAN and PyTorch version of WGAN.