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Unsupervised Learning of Image Segmentation Based on Differentiable Feature Clustering

This pytorch code generates segmentation labels of an input image.

Unsupervised Image Segmentation with Scribbles

Wonjik Kim*, Asako Kanezaki*, and Masayuki Tanaka. Unsupervised Learning of Image Segmentation Based on Differentiable Feature Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, accepted, 2020. (arXiv)

*W. Kim and A. Kanezaki contributed equally to this work.

What is new?

This is an extension of our previous work.

  • Better performance with spatial continuity loss
  • Option of using scribbles as user input
  • Option of using reference image(s)


pytorch, opencv2, tqdm

Getting started


$ python --input ./BSD500/101027.jpg

Vanilla + scribbles

$ python --input ./PASCAL_VOC_2012/2007_001774.jpg --scribble

Vanilla + reference image(s)

$ python --input ./BBC/