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How to use omp in Rcpp to speed up changes to the value of big.matrix?
I am trying to compute the Hadamard product of all column combinations of the two matrices (epi1,epi2) to form a new matrix that far exceeds the maximum number of columns supported by R
and takes up a lot of memory. So I decided to use big.memory
to store this matrix on disk (I have not yet tested whether big.matrix
supports matrices with more than 2^32-1 columns). However, this calculation process is time-consuming if the for
loop is used, and foreach
in R and dopar
cannot operate on big.matrix, so I decided to use Rcpp interface, use C++ language for calculation, and use openmpi
to speed up the calculation process. I'm really not familiar with C++, and I use AI tools to help me program, but it doesn't seem believable.
Problem I encountered:
- [1]. How to assign the final calculated variable
to big.matrix? - [2]. Whether
return epi_data
is required here, or whether it will automatically modify the externalbig.matrix
R code:
epi_data <- filebacked.big.matrix(
nrow = nrow(epi1),
ncol = ncol(combos),
type = "double", # char是c++的单个字符
backingfile = "epi_data.bin",
backingpath = dirname("epi_datai"),
descriptorfile = "epi_data.des",
dimnames = c(NULL, NULL)
R code:(This is the algorithm I'm going to implement with C++)
epi_data <- foreach(x=iter(combos, by='col'),.combine = "cbind",.inorder = TRUE) %dopar% {
TRAN %*% (epi1[, x[1]] * epi2[, x[2]])
C++ code:
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(bigmemory)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <bigmemory/MatrixAccessor.hpp>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Rcpp;
// epi_data: big.matrix to save result
// combos: all combn of epi1 and epi2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::XPtr<BigMatrix> ca_epi_data(Rcpp::XPtr<BigMatrix> epi_data,
Rcpp::XPtr<BigMatrix> combos,
arma::mat epi1,
arma::mat epi2,
arma::mat TRAN) {
typedef double T;
MatrixAccessor<T> epi_col = MatrixAccessor<T>(*epi_data);
MatrixAccessor<T> combos_col = MatrixAccessor<T>(*combos);
int m = combos->nrow();
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i < m;i++) {
arma::colvec row_epi1 = epi1.row(i);
arma::colvec row_epi2 = epi2.row(i);
// calculate hadamard product
arma::colvec hadamard_product = row_epi1 % row_epi2;
// matrix *
arma::colvec result = TRAN * hadamard_product;
// apply the result to big.matrix
epi_col[i] = result;
return epi_data;