Kane Gong
Kane Gong
If the review has been created, it means the connection between the plugin and review board server is OK. You need make sure you select the right git repository in...
I don't have any experiences on Perforce, so there is no plan to for it. If you have interest on it, you can implement by yourself.
The post failure issue may be caused by mismatch between your svn repository and your review board server's configuration. I have fixed the UI hang issue in 1.0.5 to show...
According to your error report, it seems there is something wrong with svn repo setting of your review board server. Please check with administrator of the server to make sure...
You can take a look at the screenshots in doc: https://github.com/kaneg/reviewboard-plugin-for-idea/tree/master/doc
Is there any error message shown in IDEA?
Do you use the latest release 2.1? If so, you can try to use the official demo site of review board: http://demo.reviewboard.org/account/login/?next=/r/ In the plugin config, input server address http://demo.reviewboard.org,...
@meran It should be working on the demo from review board.org since we use the same version of plugin. Another possible reason of the issue is that there is some...
What's you IDEA version?
I guess you're using a m1/m2 mac. If so, you can compile it from source by commands below: `arch -arm64 make` then you will get a chat for arm64 cpu.