plugin-oauth2 copied to clipboard
OAuth2 configuration with Keycloak
I would like to integrate Keycloak authentification in Kanboard. But I cannot figure out the steps to configure both Keycloak and Kanboard OAuth2 plugin. Does anyone has documentation on that ?
- Plugin version: 2f20dfe
- Kanboard version: v1.2.19
- Database type and version: postgres 11.11
- PHP version: 7.4.15
- OS: Linux / Docker
- Browser: Brave
Client ID: <any value, copy for kanboard>
Enabled: checked
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: confidential
Valid Redirect URIs: https://<kanboard>/oauth/callback
Base URL: https://<kanboard>/
Admin URL: https://<kanboard>/
Web Origins: https://<kanboard>/
Client Authenticator: Client Id and Secret
Secret: <generated, copy for kanboard>
Keycloak->Client->Client Scopes:
Default Client Scopes: email profile
Keycloak->Client->Scope Mappings:
Full Scope Allowed: unchecked
Callback URL: https://<kanboard>/oauth/callback
Client ID: <as defined in keycloak>
Client Secret: <as defined in keycloak>
Authorize URL: https://<keycloak>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/auth
Token URL: https://<keycloak>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token
User API URL: https://<keycloak>/realms/<realm>protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
Scopes: openid profile email
Username Key: preferred_username
Name Key: name
Email Key: email
User ID Key: sub
It works for me. Thanks!
Sorry to hijack the issue, but I was able to configure oatuh with keycloak, but I cannot use the field group filter with a wildcard, like group-*. Theres a way to use wildcard?
If necessary I open another issue.
Thanks in advance
After providing the right username and password from keycloak login page still error is shown on the screen
Under user sessions successful login of the user is shown