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how can I add time of working to an existing user ?
I want to add time for user like I mean : user1 he work from 8am to 7 pm he is not able to put the fingerprint at 8 pm the device will not be active for him ? I need help please
?? When you use getAttendence function, the returned value is an array of [user_id,state,datetime] Regardless of the time! If user1 push finger at 8am then it will be stored on the device, unless you getAttendance. If he pushes at 5pm, also it will be stored on the device.
get it thank you so much
when he pointed, out of his time, the device will not allow him
I don't understand your point?
Please remember that the library is ONLY for reading attendance from the device. So, all control over attendance records is in your application. When users enter or leave your office outside the time you specify, you have the right to record it as "out of office". Ofcourse you need to have your own database to your application.