ZKLibrary copied to clipboard
getAttendance() not retrieve from machine
Hello. I have iFace402. and i'm using your lib. i success to connect my device and retrieve users. but i can't retrieve Attendance. when i add $attendance = $zk->getAttendande(); foreach($$attendance as $key=>$value) { $uid = $value[0]; $id = $value[1]; $state = $value[2]; $time = $value[3]; echo $uid ; echo $id; echo $state; echo $time; }
it's showing now value and no users. how to fix that. And it's supporting PHP 7 ?. thanks.
make sure that no double dollar
$attendance = $zk->getAttendande();
foreach($attendance as $key=>$value)
$uid = $value[0];
$id = $value[1];
$state = $value[2];
$time = $value[3];
echo $uid ;
echo $id;
echo $state;
echo $time;
instead of
$attendance = $zk->getAttendande();
foreach($$attendance as $key=>$value)
$uid = $value[0];
$id = $value[1];
$state = $value[2];
$time = $value[3];
echo $uid ;
echo $id;
echo $state;
echo $time;
thanks to replay. i already try this. but no luck.
getAttendance() cannot get data from machine Ronald Jack x938-C
Please help me, I have remote connection information to the machine Ronald Jack x938-C
Hello. Did you solve the problem? I have got same problem now.
@duccomcoltd and @techplusintl I have the same issue with getAttendance(). I'm not getting data. However with getUser(), it's working perfectly. Did you manage to get a solution?
does it work on WL30?
@duccomcoltd and @techplusintl I have the same issue with getAttendance(). I'm not getting data. However with getUser(), it's working perfectly. Did you manage to get a solution?
I am having the same issue? Did you manage to make it working?
I'm getting Data User but not getting attendance can anyone help me