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An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns

Results 19 design-patterns-for-humans issues
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Hi, how are you doing? -Can I translate this repository to portuguese?

Hi if you want to see the whole changes, please take a look at this repository:

Ideally, only state pattern should store the state. Strategy pattern should pass strategy as an argument to the method.

Many examples on the internet of software engineering didn't apply the SOLID principle correctly. Considering the Doors could be made in many kinds of materials, it sounds more like an...

@kamranahmedse This is a bit of a drastic change so please let me know if you don't want it to go this way 🙏. It's completely understandable! This PR adds...

Capitalization change and fix wrong restaurant

Added a separate folder with Python examples. Tried to stay true to the Pythonic way when there wasn't a direct 1 to 1 mapping (protected/private variables, duck-typing) to the concepts...

Reading through the issues (enjoying them), I was thinking that it may be more accessible to have the code blocks written in other languages as well, perhaps toggle-able with HTML...