Kamran Ahmed

Results 187 comments of Kamran Ahmed

@RamitPahwa the list is converted to a visual roadmap in Balsamiq and is done in a particular style matching the other roadmaps, so we keep the translation from list to...

@kuberaspeaking @shrirajpawar4 go ahead please. Feel free to extend the textual roadmap with how you envision it to be and share it here; we will then review it and get...

Thank you, this should be an issue as per the guidelines. Closing it for now.

This has been added in a different PR. Please follow the [instructions listed in this document](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/985) 🙏

We now have the [android](https://roadmap.sh/android) and [flutter](https://roadmap.sh/flutter) roadmaps live on the website. iOS and React Native are in progress and will be added soon. Thank you!

Thanks, @Tiska -- feel free to [submit a textual format similar to this JavaScript roadmap](https://gist.github.com/kamranahmedse/98758d2c73799b3a6ce17385e4c548a5).

[Flutter roadmap is live](https://roadmap.sh/flutter). Thank you guys!

Thank you for opening the issue but we don't have any immediate plans to add the listed functionality to the website. However, it does seem interesting and we will keep...

This has been fixed, thank you for reporting.