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Trying to load Akka instrumentation when using Pekko in Scala 3
I'm moving my Pekko project to Scala 3.3.3, and when I run it, it throws this warning (Only for Scala 3; same code runs fine when compiled with Scala 2.13):
[Attach Listener] WARNING 2024-04-01 08:16:53 Logger : Error trying to load Instrumentation: kamon.instrumentation.akka.instrumentations.akka_25.DispatcherInstrumentation with error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kamon.instrumentation.akka.instrumentations.akka_25.DispatcherInstrumentation
[Attach Listener] WARNING 2024-04-01 08:16:53 Logger : Error trying to load Instrumentation: kamon.instrumentation.akka.instrumentations.akka_25.remote.RemotingInstrumentation with error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kamon.instrumentation.akka.instrumentations.akka_25.remote.RemotingInstrumentation
[2024-04-01 08:16:54,498] [INFO] [kamon.status.page.StatusPage] [] [main] - Status Page started on MDC: {}
[2024-04-01 08:16:54,753] [INFO] [kamon.prometheus.PrometheusReporter] [] [main] - Started the embedded HTTP server on MDC: {}
[2024-04-01 08:16:54,801] [INFO] [kamon.Init] [] [main] -
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Initializing Kamon Telemetry v2.7.1 / Kanela v1.0.18
MDC: {}
As a workaround, I successfully disabled those modules in application.conf file:
kanela.modules {
akka.enabled = false
akka-remote.enabled = false
Any ideas on why is it trying to load Akka instrumentation in a Pekko project with no Akka dependencies?
I confirm this issue.
I'm guessing you're using the kamon-bundle
I think this is because the kamon-akka reference.conf has these lines:
but the akka 2.5 instrumentation is not in the kamon-bundle for scala 3 (because there is no akka 2.5 for scala 3). The reverse is true for scala 2.11, there is no akka 2.6 instrumentation for scala 2.11 (because there is no akka 2.6 for scala 2.11)
Maybe scala 2.11 and akka 2.5 could be dropped.