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[UNMAINTAINED] ๐Ÿ”จ Simple Global Hammer Bot For Telegram

๐Ÿ”จ ThorsHammer

A Simple Moderation Bot For Telegram

"The Hammer That Was Promised"


This is a simple group moderation bot that complements existing group moderation bots. It is written in JavaScript and uses mongoDB as the database. Most of the strings are hardcoded in English, but the help information is available in several languages!


You can use either /, !, or # as command prefixes

Command Description Status Superuser Global Admin Group Admin Normal user
/hammer [by reply/username/id] Ban a user globally โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ
/unhammer [by reply/username/id] Unban a user globally โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ
/leave Bot leaves chat โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ โŒ
/promote [by reply/username/id] Promotes a user to a global admin โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ โŒ
/demote [by reply/username/id] Demotes a user from a global admin โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ โŒ
/banlist Sends a txt file to the log channel, of globally banned users โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ โŒ
/admins Returns a list of group admins โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
/globaladmins Returns a list of global admins admins โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
/kick Kicks a user from the group (can join back) โœ… โŒ โŒ โœ… โŒ
/ban Bans a user from the group โœ… โŒ โŒ โœ… โŒ
/start or /help Displays help information in several languages โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…

Inline Mode

You can get help information in any chat by using the inline mode:

# Type In The Message Field
@thorshammerbot help [language-code]


Action Description Status
Entry Checks Automatically bans a globally banned user upon entry into moderated group โœ…
Message Checks Automatically bans a globally banned user if a message is detected โœ…



You need Node.js version > 4, inorder to download dependencies and run this bot. For Windows users, simple click here to install it. For Unix users, use the preffered method here.


  • Create a bot, read on how to do that here
  • Disable bot privacy, send /setprivacy to @BotFather. Read more about privacy here
  • Enable inline mode, send /setinline to @BotFather. Read more about inline here
  • Create a log channel, and get its id by simply forwarding a message from the channel to @getidsbot. The id always starts with '-100'.
  • Using the same bot above, get your own id.
  • Open core/config.js and input the token and id's in their respective fields.


You need MongoDB to run this bot, You can get a free deployment from mongolab. Follow the instructions below (skip if deploying to Openshift):

  • Open the mongolab website
  • Click the yellow Sign up button
  • Fill in your user information then hit Create account
  • From the dashboard, click on โšก๏ธCreate new button
  • Select any cloud provider (I usually go with AWS, region EU)
  • Under Plan click on Single-node (development) tab and select Sandbox (it's free)
  • Leave MongoDB version as is - 2.4.x
  • Enter Database name, can be anything you like
  • Then click on โšก๏ธCreate new MongoDB deployment button
  • Now, to access your database you need to create a DB user
  • Click to the recently created database
  • You should see the following message: A database user is required to connect to this database. Click here to create a new one.
  • Click the link and fill in DB Username and DB Password fields
  • Add the mongodb link to core/config.js, it looks something like: mongodb://USERNAME:[email protected]:27479/DATABASE_NAME

You can have the following deployment strategies:

ZEIT (Free & Easy)

# Ensure You Have Node.JS Installed! 
$ node -v

# Zeit Webhook
# Clone The Repo
$ git clone -b zeit/webhook
# Expermimental Websocket Updates: git clone -b zeit/socket
$ cd ThorsHammer

# Install Zeit
$ npm install -g now

# Ensure all fields in core/config.js are present! 
$ now

Running On Your Own Server (Recommended)

Polling Strategy

# Ensure You Have Node.JS Installed!
$ node -v

# Polling Strategy: Low Traffic, Low Load
# Clone The Repo
$ git clone
$ cd ThorsHammer

# Install Dependencies
$ npm install
$ npm install -g forever

# # Ensure all fields in core/config.js are present! 
$ forever start bot.js

Webhook Strategy (Via Ngrok Tunnel)

# Ensure You Have Node.JS Installed!
$ node -v

# Webhook Strategy: Moderate Traffic, Moderate Load
# Clone The Repo
$ git clone -b ngrok
$ cd ThorsHammer

# Install Dependencies
$ npm install
$ npm install -g forever

# # Ensure all fields in core/config.js are present! 
$ forever start bot.js


# Ensure You Have Node.JS Installed! 
$ node -v

# Clone The Repo
$ git clone -b openshift
$ cd ThorsHammer
# Ensure all fields in core/config.js are present! Except the MONGODB_URL, leave it as is!

# Log into your Openshift web console
# Create a new app
# Select Node.js [Latest]
# Launch the app
# Add a cartridge > Install your own cartridge
# Enter this =>
# Add your ssh keys to Openshift and ensure they are available in $HOME/.ssh locally
# Copy your git address from the side, on the web console

$ git remote add openshift [REMOTE GIT ADDRESS, COPIED FROM ABOVE]
$ git push openshift master --force

Other Strategies

You can modify core/telegram.js to implement your own strategy, such as clustering or websockets.

Issues And Contribution

Star and Fork the repository and submit a pull request for whatever change you want to be added to this project. If you have any questions, just open an issue.


Translations are welcome. Languages given priority are:

Edit the respective fields in core/locale.json and submit a pull request. be careful of Markdown elements and \n, they are important!


Released under AGPL-v3.0, see the LICENSE file.