django-materializecss-form icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-materializecss-form copied to clipboard

Materializecss for Django Form

PyPI version


Materializecss for Django Form

A simple Django template tag to work with Materializecss


From PyPi:

pip install  django-materializecss-form

From GitHub

Add module to INSTALLED_APPS:


Add Materialize CSS to your project (Official Documentation):

In your base.html:


{% block css %}
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-qj3p6P1fJIV+Ndv7RW1ovZI2UhOuboj9GcODzcNFIN8=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
{% endblock css %}


<body >

{% block javascript %}

<script src="" integrity="sha256-SrBfGi+Zp2LhAvy9M1bWOCXztRU9Ztztxmu5BcYPcPE=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


  // Initialize materialize data picker
  $('.datepicker').datepicker({'format': 'yyyy-mm-dd'});

{% endblock javascript %}




Import the module simply like this:

{% load materializecss %}

Full form

Format a whole form:

{{ form|materializecss }}

Individual field

Format only a specific field:

{{ form.<field name>|materializecss }}

Custom size (default is 's12')

Apply custom sizes in grid (see Materialize CSS documentation):

{{ form|materializecss:'m6' }}
{{ form|materializecss:'custom_size=m6' }}

Icons support

This is most useful for adding a descriptive icon when you are creating a custom layout by building the form one field at a time. Substitue FIELD_NAME below with one of the field names from your form.

{{ form.FIELD_NAME|materializecss:'s12 m6, icon=person' }}
{{ form.FIELD_NAME|materializecss:'custom_size=s12 m6, icon=person' }}

Optional icon sets

If you're using optional icon sets you need to set MATERIALIZECSS_ICON_SET in your settings file:


Currently Font Awesome and GLYPHICONS is supported, however you might need to modify your CSS for full support.

Note about DateTimeField

Input field is rendered as a datetime-local type, this lets the user easily enter both a date and a time. As this field requires ISO-8601 format, your main project settings need to include the ISO format in order for the form to interpret this field valid:

from django.conf.global_settings import DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS

# ISO 8601 datetime format to accept html5 datetime input values
DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS += ["%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"]


Basic form





  • TextInput
  • Textarea
  • CheckboxInput
  • RadioSelect
  • Select
  • SelectMultiple
  • CheckboxSelectMultiple
  • Filefield
  • DateField
  • DateTimeField

Inspired by


Originally Built By

Florent CLAPIÉ (PyPI)