Alexander von Gluck

Results 173 comments of Alexander von Gluck

I had a ton of random issues with the snap package on my wife's ubuntu laptop. Finally gave up and used the binary release which worked fine.

Snap has been a dumpster fire lately. Is there even any *real* demand for Snap packages anymore? Flatpak is in use on most of the distro's i'm aware of. Gnome...

Thanks! I chose "Feature request" when I opened this one :-) Any chances of reworking Winform to something more cross-platform friendly? I'd help out, but don't know DotNet.. just C,...

This fixes the build of LaserGRBL via msbuild under Linux... ``` Build succeeded. "/home/kallisti5/Code/LaserGRBL/LaserGRBL.sln" (default target) (1) -> "/home/kallisti5/Code/LaserGRBL/LaserGRBL/LaserGRBL.csproj" (default target) (2) -> (CoreCompile target) -> /home/kallisti5/Code/LaserGRBL/LaserGRBL/WiFiDiscovery/IPAddressHelper.cs(198,27): warning CS0168: The...

Oh, this one is working towards #1867

I should mention that the timer issue mentioned in is still present under Mono. Why was 5 closed? Seems like a legitimate bug.

Oh. I was looking for a nice Mastedon client. This wasn't showing up on Fedora, ArchLinux, or Pop-OS due to the lack of flatpak. Would love to see a flatpak...

electron-builder now supports flatpak:

eesh The tldr of all of this is a runc container is unable to execute x86 32-bit binaries. ioctl's for statx fail with EPERM. * Is there any workaround for...

Oh.. as for runc: ``` $ runc -v runc version 1.0.1 commit: v1.0.1-0-g4144b63 spec: 1.0.2-dev go: go1.15.14 libseccomp: 2.5.0 ```