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A K8S based solution to build and operate Geospatial Platforms


Latest Release Build Status License: MIT

A K8S based solution to build and operate Geospatial Platforms

[!CAUTION] The Dowker swarm version is no more supported. The latest available version supporting Docker Swarm is the v0.18.0.

Helm charts management

The chart management scripts (release-dev-chart.sh and release-chart.sh) both require :

  • a valid rclone configuration, ie. containing a remote/alias named kalisio_charts pointing on the object storage bucket path where we backup our charts.
  • an helm command able to push on our OCI-based registry, ie. you need to use helm registry login harbor.portal.kalisio.com/kalisio and enter the required credentials.

HOWTO generate chart dev versions

Use the ./scripts/release-dev-chart.sh. It takes a single parameter, the chart to release. If no parameter is given, it'll release all charts.

The script will package the requested chart(s) then push on our OCI registry and on a backup s3 storage.

HOWTO make a chart release

  1. Prepare the new chart version, update chart version in $CHART/Chart.yaml
  2. Push your changes to the central repository
  3. Use ./scripts/release-chart.sh $CHART where $CHART is the name of the chart to release (mapserver, kano, ...)

The script will package the chart, push on our oci registry and on a backup s3 storage. If everything is ok, it'll make a git tag named $CHART-$VERSION

Docker images management

  • kargo specific container images (tileservergl & friends ...)
    • use a commit message including [build app-name tag]

Best practices

Docker images

  • Prefer -slim images as base and use multi stage builds to reduce image sizes
  • Make your docker image run as unpriviliged user
    • If it's node based, and using a node image as base, there's a 'node' user (uid 1000) already available
      • Copy app's files using COPY --chown node
      • Make your command run as 'node' user
    • If there's no preinstalled user, create one and use it
  • Since it'll run as unpriviliged user, if you need to open ports, make sure they're >= 1024
  • Snippet to install packages with apt and clean afterwards:
  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
  apt-get update && \
  apt-get --no-install-recommends --yes install \
    openjdk-11-jre-headless \
    ca-certificates \
    gdal-bin && \
  apt-get clean && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  • Snippet to install dependencies with yarn and clean afterwards
  yarn global add @weacast/grib2json@${GRIB2JSON_TAG} && \
  chmod a+x /usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/@weacast/grib2json/bin/grib2json && \
  yarn cache clean

Helm charts

  • Define appVersion to the docker image tag it's supposed to pull (no latest in defined charts, latest can be specified using values.yaml in infra definition)
  • Include configurable resource requests & limits
  • Include configurable security context and put sensible defaults in chart's values.yaml
  • If it's being deployed on some preprod infra, then chart version should be at least 1.0.0


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license file for details


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