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A Static Code Analyzer for PHP (a PhpStorm/Idea Plugin)

Results 195 phpinspectionsea issues
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It seems that there is an incorrect hint here. | Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Extended) | | Language...

| Subject | Details | | --- | --- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Ultimate) 2021.5 | | Language level | PHP 8.0 | ## Current behaviour ```...

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | phpInspectionsUltimate-mp (2021.5) | | Language level | PHP 8.0 | Current behaviour -- MissUsingForeachInspection asks me to...

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Extended) | | Language level | 7.3 | Current behavior -- ![image]( Expected...

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Extended) | | Language level | PHP 7.2 | Current behaviour -- Hi...

Phpstorm is presenting error for plugin. Error Message: IllegalStateException: You must not register toolwindow programmatically so early. Not exactly sure what other data that may be helpful, but here is...

| Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Ultimate) latest | | Language level | PHP 8.1 | ``` com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: Short name 'AmbiguousMethodsCallsInArrayMappingInspection' is not unique class 'com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsEA.inspectors.codeStyle.AmbiguousMethodsCallsInArrayMappingInspector' in PluginDescriptor(name=Php Inspections (EA...

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Extended) or Php Inspections (EA Ultimate), which version | | Language level | e.g....

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Ultimate), 2021.5 | | Language level | PHP 8.0 | Current behaviour -- ![image](

| Subject | Details | | :------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Plugin | Php Inspections (EA Extended) from **** (still bugged in ****) | | Language level | PHP 8.0,...