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Ability for users above a specific vote threshold to create tags
Let anyone (with enough votes?) add arbitrary tags to posts. Give the community a way to consider tags aliases of one another, so that people who refer to the same thing in different ways can find common ground.
I think this is a good idea. Having the ability to add new post tags will be great. However what we dont want is to have to administer "rogue" tags that anyone can add. Perhaps we could have a section where a user can suggest a new tag and this could be voted on for inclusion into the system ? This still requires some manual input to add them but it stops any bad content from being added by anyone.
I dunno I just want to avoid the tags getting crazy. I know this is kind of annoying to people. The fact that basically no one has submitted a good list of tag suggestions is kind of evidence to me that no one really wants to spend time thinking about a nice set of tags, which I think is kind of important.
I don't think users think about tags that way. Nobody's going to sit down and make a list-the most that will happen is someone is going to make a single-tag suggestion when they're writing a part and can't get the tag they want. That's exactly why crowd sourcing your tags has to be organic, IMO. But I'm not suggesting it needs to be entirely open: you could make it so that you have to have a certain number of points to suggest a new tag, or that arbitrary tags are just suggestions until they are reviewed.
Ya I think creating tags for users above a certain vote threshhold is a good idea. I think someone on twtiter actually said they were gonna build that but haven't seen that yet.