SWProxy copied to clipboard
Still failed to connect?
Sorry for asking about this issue, which was probably asked before, i've been keeping track but somehow nothing seems to work.(tried every release, FideleGastro/Toosick's method, disabling firewall etc.)
Windows 7 Laptop Ipad Mini 1/Iphone 6s iOS ver 9.3.2 Country is japan, and playing on Asia server Using WiFi
The problem first happened maybe 2 - 3 weeks after the last RR day(the day i first downloaded it and worked the first time) the proxy still runs fine(i think), but after i set the proxy it always shows the same problem "Failed to connect with the network. Please try again later."
I'll try to add more info if i can.
I am having the exact same issue. It was perfectly working 3 weeks ago. I think to reproduce all you need is a windows 7 & an adroid phone. Impossible to connect from the phone to internet through the proxy.
I am failing to connect as well with the latest download.
iPhone 6PLUS, Windows 10
I've tried the "Double tap when Friends LIst blah blah" and turning on proxy, tried relauching app many times. None of these work.
Same problem for me. Tried to set the proxy for my 3G network and for Wifi on my Android phone. Tried with android 5 and android 6.
Android (5 and 6)+Linux (2 Machines tried)
Symptoms: GUI is empty. proxy.log file doesn't log anything special (server start/stop, exception thrown after opening "open file" dialog and closing it without selecting a file...unrelated) Can't connect to the internet (on the whole phone...browser, etc.) SW launches until "Touch to start".
im guessing this program doesnt work anymore with the latest summoners war update. i just stay at the "waiting to connect" screen.
SWProxy should work just fine. Tested it after the update.
hmmm any explaination on why my sw cant conenct to the proxy? i get stuck at the "checking for update" screen
okay I think I found a solution for Android (6). I was doing something wrong...
- Start SWProxy on your computer.
- WHILE YOU ARE CONNECTED TO YOUR WIFI -> go to WiFi settings and set the proxy. DO NOT DISCONNECT/RECONNECT TO THE WIFI...this is what I was doing wrong.
- Then start SW on your phone and it should work.
+1 @pocketq10 I am getting the same issue still on my iOS device, with the 1.0 build.
I start WiF, add in proxy, start server, launch app and it stops at "Checking for Update." I then get "Failed to connect with the network. Please try again later." I will click "OK" a few times, and nothing goes beyond that. I haven't been able to use the app properly since april or may.
Not sure if there's something I'm missing. I know people keep saying use the double tap at "Getting friends list" trick, but I'm just not fast enough.
I have the same trouble. Proxy server working well, since i able to load web-sites on my notebook via it. But my phone(exactly connected to the same network) still can't download pages from the internet neither run the game.