Learning-Debiased-Disentangled copied to clipboard
Results on BAR dataset?
It appears that the result of the BAR dataset was in the paper during the submission phase(https://openreview.net/forum?id=-oUhJJILWHb) and was also appreciated by the reviewers. At the same time, it was removed from the final camera-ready version. Is there any particular reason for this? Could you provide the code for replicating the result on the BAR dataset?
Thank you for the question.
While not discovered during the submission phase, we found that our results on BAR were sensitive to learning rates during the preparation of the final camera-ready. In order to maintain the consistency of our results, we decided to remove our results on BAR. You can find codes for the results on BAR using LfF (https://github.com/alinlab/LfF) and BAR codes (https://github.com/alinlab/BAR).