jquery-animateNumber copied to clipboard
Use on elements that contain a number (integer or float) to animate the number to a new value over a short period of time.
Call signatures:
$("...").animateNumber(newNumber, callback);
$("...").animateNumber(newNumber, options, callback);
Animate the number in the element selected by #numberContainer to the current unix timestamp:
Number container data attributes
type (default=int): int or float
stepDecimals (optional): Number of decimals to show while animating.
endDecimals (optional): Number of decimals to show after animation.
duration (default=5000): Animation duration in miliseconds.
easing (default=swing): Animation easing, use any jquery animation easing.
animateOpacity (default=true): Animate number container opacity while animating the number.
intStepDecimals (default=0): Number of decimals to show while animating a integer number.
intEndDecimals (default=0): Number of decimals an integer number should have after animation.
floatStepDecimals (default=4): Number of decimals to show while animating a float number.
floatEndDecimals (default=1): Number of decimals an float number should have after animation.
format (default="default"): The format of this number. Possible values are "default" or "currency".
currencyIndicator (default="$"): The currency symbol to be prepended to the number. Only used if format="currency".
currencyGroupSeparator: The character to be inserted between groups of thousands when displaying currency. The default value is determined by the browser's current locale.
currencyDecimalSeparator: The character to be inserted between the integer and decimal values when displaying currency. The default value is determined by the browser's current locale.
callback (optional): Callback to be called at end of animation.
jquery-animateNumber is free software, and may be redistributed under the MIT-LICENSE.