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Kaitai Struct: runtime for C++ using STL

Results 20 kaitai_struct_cpp_stl_runtime issues
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Solves https://github.com/kismetwireless/kismet/issues/518

Until now, some parts of the code used symbols from the standard library without including the corresponding standard library header using `#include` to ensure that the symbol is defined. That...

If you look at generated code for `valid_*.ksy` tests you will see that exceptions are created using temporary values from getters of just constants. The program will crash if you...

It would appear that the Kaitait compiler generates calls to `bytes_to_str`, where the encoding parameter is `std::string` instead of `char *`, so I had to add a wrapper function to...

Implements write support for some of the primitives, at least enough to write basic seqs. The API had to be shifted over a bit, but it _should_ be API compatible,...

This adds another option to use ICU library for character set conversions in C++ runtime. Known caveats so far: * By default, ICU substitute illegal sequences with placeholder codepoints rather...

This adds compilation and test running validation for Mingw on Windows using GitHub Actions CI. The implementation itself is pretty straightforward, as default GH Actions Windows image has Mingw 11.0...

I started using Kaitai two years ago when it was still version 0.8. After a long project hiatus I've now upgraded to 0.10 and noticed that the `read_bytes(char*, std::streamsize)` variant...

Hey. I'm working on trying to add basic write functionality to the runtime, in preparation for hopefully eventually contributing to the serialization issue. Unfortunately, it seems like this is actually...

@GreyCat Is there a reason `m_io->close()` is commented out here? https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_cpp_stl_runtime/blob/cb09b3a84c7e905c6a3fecfe9617cf864d9af781/kaitai/kaitaistream.cpp#L44-L46 This "implementation" comes from the initial commit in 2016 when the C++/STL runtime was started ([`8d533f3:kaitai/kaitaistream.cpp:8`](https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_cpp_stl_runtime/blob/8d533f3ae0c0acb7a52259be324e63ad1d89de8b/kaitai/kaitaistream.cpp#L8)), so perhaps it...
