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Named Entity Recognition, Entity Linking, and more
TACL 2022
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
NAACL 2022 (2022/07/10 ~ 2022/07/15)
- On the Use of External Data for Spoken Named Entity Recognition
- Hero-Gang Neural Model For Named Entity Recognition
- Sentence-Level Resampling for Named Entity Recognition
- Dynamic Gazetteer Integration in Multilingual Models for Cross-Lingual and Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
- ITA: Image-Text Alignments for Multi-Modal Named Entity Recognition
- Robust Self-Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition with Meta Reweighting
- NER-MQMRC: Formulating Named Entity Recognition as Multi Question Machine Reading Comprehension
- Cross-Language Transfer of High-Quality Annotations: Combining Neural Machine Translation with Cross-Linguistic Span Alignment to Apply NER to Clinical Texts in a Low-Resource Language
- Resilience of Named Entity Recognition Models under Adversarial Attack
- Generating unlabelled data for a tri-training approach in a low resourced NER task
- Few-shot Learning for Sumerian Named Entity Recognition
- MultiNERD: A Multilingual, Multi-Genre and Fine-Grained Dataset for Named Entity Recognition (and Disambiguation)
- Delving Deep into Regularity: A Simple but Effective Method for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
- Label Refinement via Contrastive Learning for Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition
- kpfriends at SemEval-2022 Task 2: NEAMER - Named Entity Augmented Multi-word Expression Recognizer
- NER4ID at SemEval-2022 Task 2: Named Entity Recognition for Idiomaticity Detection
- SemEval-2022 Task 11: Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition (MultiCoNER)
- LMN at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A Transformer-based System for English Named Entity Recognition
- PA Ph&Tech at SemEval-2022 Task 11: NER Task with Ensemble Embedding from Reinforcement Learning
- UC3M-PUCPR at SemEval-2022 Task 11: An Ensemble Method of Transformer-based Models for Complex Named Entity Recognition
- DAMO-NLP at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A Knowledge-based System for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
- Multilinguals at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Complex NER in Semantically Ambiguous Settings for Low Resource Languages
- DANGNT-SGU at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Using Pre-trained Language Model for Complex Named Entity Recognition
- OPDAI at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A hybrid approach for Chinese NER using outside Wikipedia knowledge
- Sliced at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Bigger, Better? Massively Multilingual LMs for Multilingual Complex NER on an Academic GPU Budget
- Infrrd.ai at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A system for named entity recognition using data augmentation, transformer-based sequence labeling model, and EnsembleCRF
- UM6P-CS at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Enhancing Multilingual and Code-Mixed Complex Named Entity Recognition via Pseudo Labels using Multilingual Transformer
- CASIA at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Chinese Named Entity Recognition for Complex and Ambiguous Entities
- TEAM-Atreides at SemEval-2022 Task 11: On leveraging data augmentation and ensemble to recognize complex Named Entities in Bangla
- KDDIE at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Using DeBERTa for Named Entity Recognition
- silpa_nlp at SemEval-2022 Tasks 11: Transformer based NER models for Hindi and Bangla languages
- DS4DH at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Using an Ensemble of Transformer-based Language Models
- CMNEROne at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Code-Mixed Named Entity Recognition by leveraging multilingual data
- RACAI at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Complex named entity recognition using a lateral inhibition mechanism
- NamedEntityRangers at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Transformer-based Approaches for Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition
- Raccoons at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Leveraging Concatenated Word Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition
- SeqL at SemEval-2022 Task 11: An Ensemble of Transformer Based Models for Complex Named Entity Recognition Task
- SFE-AI at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition using Large Pre-trained Language Models
- NCUEE-NLP at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Chinese Named Entity Recognition Using the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF Model
- CMB AI Lab at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A Two-Stage Approach for Complex Named Entity Recognition via Span Boundary Detection and Span Classification
- UA-KO at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Data Augmentation and Ensembles for Korean Named Entity Recognition
- USTC-NELSLIP at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Gazetteer-Adapted Integration Network for Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition
- L3i at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Straightforward Additional Context for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
- MarSan at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Multilingual complex named entity recognition using T5 and transformer encoder
- SU-NLP at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Complex Named Entity Recognition with Entity Linking
- Qtrade AI at SemEval-2022 Task 11: An Unified Framework for Multilingual NER Task
- PAI at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Name Entity Recognition with Contextualized Entity Representations and Robust Loss Functions
- Generative Biomedical Entity Linking via Knowledge Base-Guided Pre-training and Synonyms-Aware Fine-tuning
- Entity Linking via Explicit Mention-Mention Coreference Modeling
- Strong Heuristics for Named Entity Linking
- ReFinED: An Efficient Zero-shot-capable Approach to End-to-End Entity Linking
- BLINK with Elasticsearch for Efficient Entity Linking in Business Conversations
- Zero-shot Entity Linking with Less Data
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- EmRel: Joint Representation of Entities and Embedded Relations for Multi-triple Extraction
- Learning to Borrow– Relation Representation for Without-Mention Entity-Pairs for Knowledge Graph Completion
- Contrastive Representation Learning for Cross-Document Coreference Resolution of Events and Entities
- EASE: Entity-Aware Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embedding
- MIA 2022 Shared Task Submission: Leveraging Entity Representations, Dense-Sparse Hybrids, and Fusion-in-Decoder for Cross-Lingual Question Answering
- CSECU-DSG at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Identifying the Multilingual Complex Named Entity in Text Using Stacked Embeddings and Transformer based Approach
- On the Robustness of Reading Comprehension Models to Entity Renaming
- When a sentence does not introduce a discourse entity, Transformer-based models still sometimes refer to it
- Commonsense and Named Entity Aware Knowledge Grounded Dialogue Generation
- Relation-Specific Attentions over Entity Mentions for Enhanced Document-Level Relation Extraction
- Improving Entity Disambiguation by Reasoning over a Knowledge Base
- Should We Rely on Entity Mentions for Relation Extraction? Debiasing Relation Extraction with Counterfactual Analysis
- Global Entity Disambiguation with BERT
- Joint Extraction of Entities, Relations, and Events via Modeling Inter-Instance and Inter-Label Dependencies
- Modeling Task Interactions in Document-Level Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- Impact of Training Instance Selection on Domain-Specific Entity Extraction using BERT
- FarFetched: Entity-centric Reasoning and Claim Validation for the Greek Language based on Textually Represented Environments
- Improving the Faithfulness of Abstractive Summarization via Entity Coverage Control
- Entity Cloze By Date: What LMs Know About Unseen Entities
- Dangling-Aware Entity Alignment with Mixed High-Order Proximities
- Low-resource Entity Set Expansion: A Comprehensive Study on User-generated Text
- Good Visual Guidance Make A Better Extractor: Hierarchical Visual Prefix for Multimodal Entity and Relation Extraction
- GateNLP-UShef at SemEval-2022 Task 8: Entity-Enriched Siamese Transformer for Multilingual News Article Similarity
- AIFB-WebScience at SemEval-2022 Task 12: Relation Extraction First - Using Relation Extraction to Identify Entities
- ParaNames: A Massively Multilingual Entity Name Corpus
- Towards a Multi-Entity Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Characterizing Directed Social Regard in Online Messaging
ACL 2022 (2022/05/22 ~ 2022/05/27)
- An Unsupervised Multiple-Task and Multiple-Teacher Model for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition
- Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning for Named Entity Recognition
- De-Bias for Generative Extraction in Unified NER Task
- Nested Named Entity Recognition with Span-level Graphs
- Parallel Instance Query Network for Named Entity Recognition
- Bottom-Up Constituency Parsing and Nested Named Entity Recognition with Pointer Networks
- FiNER: Financial Numeric Entity Recognition for XBRL Tagging
- MINER: Improving Out-of-Vocabulary Named Entity Recognition from an Information Theoretic Perspective
- Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Self-describing Networks
- Nested Named Entity Recognition as Latent Lexicalized Constituency Parsing
- CONTaiNER: Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition via Contrastive Learning
- Boundary Smoothing for Named Entity Recognition
- Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Confidence-Based Multi-Class Positive and Unlabeled Learning
- GNNer: Reducing Overlapping in Span-based NER Using Graph Neural Networks
- TeluguNER: Leveraging Multi-Domain Named Entity Recognition with Deep Transformers
- Simple Semantic-based Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Texts
- Auxiliary Learning for Named Entity Recognition with Multiple Auxiliary Biomedical Training Data
- Biomedical NER using Novel Schema and Distant Supervision
- Named Entity Recognition for Cancer Immunology Research Using Distant Supervision
- Extract-Select: A Span Selection Framework for Nested Named Entity Recognition with Generative Adversarial Training
- Thai Nested Named Entity Recognition Corpus
- Decomposed Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition
- Leveraging Expert Guided Adversarial Augmentation For Improving Generalization in Named Entity Recognition
- Label Semantics for Few Shot Named Entity Recognition
- Learn and Review: Enhancing Continual Named Entity Recognition via Reviewing Synthetic Samples
- Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition via Graph Matching
- Extracting Person Names from User Generated Text: Named-Entity Recognition for Combating Human Trafficking
- Fusing Heterogeneous Factors with Triaffine Mechanism for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Towards Few-shot Entity Recognition in Document Images: A Label-aware Sequence-to-Sequence Framework
- A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- WikiDiverse: A Multimodal Entity Linking Dataset with Diversified Contextual Topics and Entity Types
- Towards Consistent Document-level Entity Linking: Joint Models for Entity Linking and Coreference Resolution
- HOSMEL: A Hot-Swappable Modularized Entity Linking Toolkit for Chinese
- A Transformational Biencoder with In-Domain Negative Sampling for Zero-Shot Entity Linking
- Detection, Disambiguation, Re-ranking: Autoregressive Entity Linking as a Multi-Task Problem
- Cross-Lingual UMLS Named Entity Linking using UMLS Dictionary Fine-Tuning
- Improving Candidate Retrieval with Entity Profile Generation for Wikidata Entity Linking
- A Study on Entity Linking Across Domains: Which Data is Best for Fine-Tuning?
Entity Typing
- Divide and Denoise: Learning from Noisy Labels in Fine-Grained Entity Typing with Cluster-Wise Loss Correction
- Learning from Sibling Mentions with Scalable Graph Inference in Fine-Grained Entity Typing
- Cross-Lingual Contrastive Learning for Fine-Grained Entity Typing for Low-Resource Languages
- How Can Cross-lingual Knowledge Contribute Better to Fine-Grained Entity Typing?
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Modeling Temporal-Modal Entity Graph for Procedural Multimodal Machine Comprehension
- DEEP: DEnoising Entity Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation
- MELM: Data Augmentation with Masked Entity Language Modeling for Low-Resource NER
- ExtEnD: Extractive Entity Disambiguation
- EntSUM: A Data Set for Entity-Centric Extractive Summarization
- Packed Levitated Marker for Entity and Relation Extraction
- An Effective and Efficient Entity Alignment Decoding Algorithm via Third-Order Tensor Isomorphism
- Rethinking Negative Sampling for Handling Missing Entity Annotations
- Entity-based Neural Local Coherence Modeling
- Automatic Detection of Entity-Manipulated Text using Factual Knowledge
- A Simple but Effective Pluggable Entity Lookup Table for Pre-trained Language Models
- Entities, Dates, and Languages: Zero-Shot on Historical Texts with T0
- Intra-Template Entity Compatibility based Slot-Filling for Clinical Trial Information Extraction
- BanglaBioMed: A Biomedical Named-Entity Annotated Corpus for Bangla (Bengali)
- DISTANT-CTO: A Zero Cost, Distantly Supervised Approach to Improve Low-Resource Entity Extraction Using Clinical Trials Literature
- DD-TIG at Constraint@ACL2022: Multimodal Understanding and Reasoning for Role Labeling of Entities in Hateful Memes
- Combining Language Models and Linguistic Information to Label Entities in Memes
- Detecting the Role of an Entity in Harmful Memes: Techniques and their Limitations
- Fine-tuning and Sampling Strategies for Multimodal Role Labeling of Entities under Class Imbalance
- Open Relation Modeling: Learning to Define Relations between Entities
- TABi: Type-Aware Bi-Encoders for Open-Domain Entity Retrieval
- An Accurate Unsupervised Method for Joint Entity Alignment and Dangling Entity Detection
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Entity Alignment
- Attention as Grounding: Exploring Textual and Cross-Modal Attention on Entities and Relations in Language-and-Vision Transformer
- Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Based on Table Labeling Using Convolutional Neural Networks
TACL 2021
- Context-aware Adversarial Training for Name Regularity Bias in Named Entity Recognition
- MasakhaNER: Named Entity Recognition for African Languages
- Partially Supervised Named Entity Recognition via the Expected Entity Ratio Loss
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Neural Modeling for Named Entities and Morphology (NEMO2)
- Planning with Learned Entity Prompts for Abstractive Summarization
CoNLL 2021 (2021/11/10 ~ 2021/11/11)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP 2021 (2021/11/07 ~ 2021/11/11)
- TEBNER: Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition with Type Expanded Boundary-aware Network
- RockNER: A Simple Method to Create Adversarial Examples for Evaluating the Robustness of Named Entity Recognition Models
- ChemNER: Fine-Grained Chemistry Named Entity Recognition with Ontology-Guided Distant Supervision
- Unsupervised Paraphrasing Consistency Training for Low Resource Named Entity Recognition
- Data Augmentation for Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
- PDALN: Progressive Domain Adaptation over a Pre-trained Model for Low-Resource Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
- Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning and Language Model Augmented Self-Training
- Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition: An Empirical Baseline Study
- Improving Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Self-Collaborative Denoising Learning
- CroAno : A Crowd Annotation Platform for Improving Label Consistency of Chinese NER Dataset
- SeqAttack: On Adversarial Attacks for Named Entity Recognition
- Validating Label Consistency in NER Data Annotation
- SeqScore: Addressing Barriers to Reproducible Named Entity Recognition Evaluation
- Language Clustering for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
- HiTRANS: A Hierarchical Transformer Network for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- CNNBiF: CNN-based Bigram Features for Named Entity Recognition
- Improving Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Self-Collaborative Denoising Learning
- Learning from Language Description: Low-shot Named Entity Recognition via Decomposed Framework
- Named Entity Recognition for Entity Linking: What Works and What’s Next
- Batavia asked for advice. Pretrained language models for Named Entity Recognition in historical texts.
- Analysis of Zero-Shot Crosslingual Learning between English and Korean for Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition in the Romanian Legal Domain
- Named Entity Recognition in Historic Legal Text: A Transformer and State Machine Ensemble Method
- Using Pause Information for More Accurate Entity Recognition
- Can images help recognize entities? A study of the role of images for Multimodal NER
- ParsTwiNER: A Corpus for Named Entity Recognition at Informal Persian
- DreamDrug - A crowdsourced NER dataset for detecting drugs in darknet markets
- Improved Named Entity Recognition for Noisy Call Center Transcripts
- Highly Parallel Autoregressive Entity Linking with Discriminative Correction
- Low-Rank Subspaces for Unsupervised Entity Linking
- BERT might be Overkill: A Tiny but Effective Biomedical Entity Linker based on Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
- WikiGUM: Exhaustive Entity Linking for Wikification in 12 Genres
Entity Typing
- Injecting Entity Types into Entity-Guided Text Generation
- An Empirical Study on Multiple Information Sources for Zero-Shot Fine-Grained Entity Typing
- Fine-grained Entity Typing via Label Reasoning
- Fine-grained Entity Typing without Knowledge Base
- Context-aware Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs
- Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer is a Hard Baseline to Beat in German Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- EARL: Informative Knowledge-Grounded Conversation Generation with Entity-Agnostic Representation Learning
- MuVER: Improving First-Stage Entity Retrieval with Multi-View Entity Representations
- Time-dependent Entity Embedding is not All You Need: A Re-evaluation of Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion Models under a Unified Framework
- Improving Knowledge Graph Embedding Using Affine Transformations of Entities Corresponding to Each Relation
- A Comprehensive Comparison of Word Embeddings in Event & Entity Coreference Resolution.
- Controllable Neural Dialogue Summarization with Personal Named Entity Planning
- A Partition Filter Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- MS-Mentions: Consistently Annotating Entity Mentions in Materials Science Procedural Text
- Is “moby dick” a Whale or a Bird? Named Entities and Terminology in Speech Translation
- Knowledge Enhanced Fine-Tuning for Better Handling Unseen Entities in Dialogue Generation
- Entity Relation Extraction as Dependency Parsing in Visually Rich Documents
- Synchronous Dual Network with Cross-Type Attention for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- From Alignment to Assignment: Frustratingly Simple Unsupervised Entity Alignment
- ActiveEA: Active Learning for Neural Entity Alignment
- End-to-End Entity Resolution and Question Answering Using Differentiable Knowledge Graphs
- Document-level Entity-based Extraction as Template Generation
- Learning from Noisy Labels for Entity-Centric Information Extraction
- Toward Deconfounding the Effect of Entity Demographics for Question Answering Accuracy
- Simple Entity-Centric Questions Challenge Dense Retrievers
- Entity-Based Knowledge Conflicts in Question Answering
- TDEER: An Efficient Translating Decoding Schema for Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations
- Time-aware Graph Neural Network for Entity Alignment between Temporal Knowledge Graphs
- Progressive Adversarial Learning for Bootstrapping: A Case Study on Entity Set Expansion
- XLEnt: Mining a Large Cross-lingual Entity Dataset with Lexical-Semantic-Phonetic Word Alignment
- Robustness Evaluation of Entity Disambiguation Using Prior Probes: the Case of Entity Overshadowing
- The Pipeline Model for Resolution of Anaphoric Reference and Resolution of Entity Reference
- Resources and Evaluations for Danish Entity Resolution
- Event and Entity Coreference using Trees to Encode Uncertainty in Joint Decisions
- Modeling Entity Knowledge for Fact Verification
- A Web Scale Entity Extraction System
- Unseen Entity Handling in Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Base via Language Generation
- To Protect and To Serve? Analyzing Entity-Centric Framing of Police Violence
- Entity-level Cross-modal Learning Improves Multi-modal Machine Translation
- Entity-Based Semantic Adequacy for Data-to-Text Generation
- Enhancing Visual Dialog Questioner with Entity-based Strategy Learning and Augmented Guesser
- GenerativeRE: Incorporating a Novel Copy Mechanism and Pretrained Model for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- Adapting Entities across Languages and Cultures
- Cross-Domain Data Integration for Named Entity Disambiguation in Biomedical Text
- Fine-grained Typing of Emerging Entities in Microblogs
- Automatic Entity State Annotation using the VerbNet Semantic Parser
ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (2021/08/01 ~ 2021/08/06)
- Modularized Interaction Network for Named Entity Recognition
- Discontinuous Named Entity Recognition as Maximal Clique Discovery
- Leveraging Type Descriptions for Zero-shot Named Entity Recognition and Classification
- MECT: Multi-Metadata Embedding based Cross-Transformer for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition with Small Strongly Labeled and Large Weakly Labeled Data
- Improving Named Entity Recognition by External Context Retrieving and Cooperative Learning
- Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- A Large-Scale Chinese Multimodal NER Dataset with Speech Clues
- A Neural Transition-based Joint Model for Disease Named Entity Recognition and Normalization
- Few-NERD: A Few-shot Named Entity Recognition Dataset
- Nested Named Entity Recognition via Explicitly Excluding the Influence of the Best Path
- Subsequence Based Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition
- De-biasing Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Causal Intervention
- A Span-Based Model for Joint Overlapped and Discontinuous Named Entity Recognition
- Crowdsourcing Learning as Domain Adaptation: A Case Study on Named Entity Recognition
- A Unified Generative Framework for Various NER Subtasks
- BERTifying the Hidden Markov Model for Multi-Source Weakly Supervised Named Entity Recognition
- An End-to-End Progressive Multi-Task Learning Framework for Medical Named Entity Recognition and Normalization
- Learning from Miscellaneous Other-Class Words for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition
- SpanNER: Named Entity Re-/Recognition as Span Prediction
- Enhancing Entity Boundary Detection for Better Chinese Named Entity Recognition
- Explicitly Capturing Relations between Entity Mentions via Graph Neural Networks for Domain-specific Named Entity Recognition
- Improving Model Generalization: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition Case Study
- Investigation on Data Adaptation Techniques for Neural Named Entity Recognition
- Target-oriented Fine-tuning for Zero-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- Toward Fully Exploiting Heterogeneous Corpus:A Decoupled Named Entity Recognition Model with Two-stage Training
- Template-Based Named Entity Recognition Using BART
- Neural Entity Recognition with Gazetteer based Fusion
- Named Entity Recognition through Deep Representation Learning and Weak Supervision
- The Utility and Interplay of Gazetteers and Entity Segmentation for Named Entity Recognition in English
- Constrained Labeled Data Generation for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition via Noise Aware Training Mechanism with Data Filter
- A Multi-Task Approach for Improving Biomedical Named Entity Recognition by Incorporating Multi-Granularity information
- Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition
- UIT-E10dot3 at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection with Named Entity Recognition and Question-Answering Approaches
- BennettNLP at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection using Stacked Embedding Powered Toxic Entity Recognizer
- UTNLP at SemEval-2021 Task 5: A Comparative Analysis of Toxic Span Detection using Attention-based, Named Entity Recognition, and Ensemble Models
- LNN-EL: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Short-text Entity Linking
- MOLEMAN: Mention-Only Linking of Entities with a Mention Annotation Network
- Learning Domain-Specialised Representations for Cross-Lingual Biomedical Entity Linking
- Cross-Lingual Transfer in Zero-Shot Cross-Language Entity Linking
Entity Typing
- Ultra-Fine Entity Typing with Weak Supervision from a Masked Language Model
- Modeling Fine-Grained Entity Types with Box Embeddings
- Relation Classification with Entity Type Restriction
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Personalized Entity Resolution with Dynamic Heterogeneous KnowledgeGraph Representations
- OntoEA: Ontology-guided Entity Alignment via Joint Knowledge Graph Embedding
- Biomedical Interpretable Entity Representations
- Simultaneously Self-Attending to Text and Entities for Knowledge-Informed Text Representations
- Capturing Event Argument Interaction via A Bi-Directional Entity-Level Recurrent Decoder
- UniRE: A Unified Label Space for Entity Relation Extraction
- DESCGEN: A Distantly Supervised Datasetfor Generating Entity Descriptions
- Interpretable and Low-Resource Entity Matching via Decoupling Feature Learning from Decision Making
- Modeling Transitions of Focal Entities for Conversational Knowledge Base Question Answering
- ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive Learning
- Knowing the No-match: Entity Alignment with Dangling Cases
- Evaluating Entity Disambiguation and the Role of Popularity in Retrieval-Based NLP
- Weakly Supervised Named Entity Tagging with Learnable Logical Rules
- Benchmarking Scalable Methods for Streaming Cross Document Entity Coreference
- Reasoning over Entity-Action-Location Graph for Procedural Text Understanding
- Joint Biomedical Entity and Relation Extraction with Knowledge-Enhanced Collective Inference
- Entity Enhancement for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification in the Biomedical Domain
- Entity Concept-enhanced Few-shot Relation Extraction
- “I’ve Seen Things You People Wouldn’t Believe”: Hallucinating Entities in GuessWhat?!
- Joint Detection and Coreference Resolution of Entities and Events with Document-level Context Aggregation
- Entity-Aware Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization
- Cross-Lingual Cross-Domain Nested Named Entity Evaluation on English Web Texts
- Injecting Knowledge Base Information into End-to-End Joint Entity and Relation Extraction and Coreference Resolution
- Zero-shot Medical Entity Retrieval without Annotation: Learning From Rich Knowledge Graph Semantics
- GrantRel: Grant Information Extraction via Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- Who Blames or Endorses Whom? Entity-to-Entity Directed Sentiment Extraction in News Text
- Inductively Representing Out-of-Knowledge-Graph Entities by Optimal Estimation Under Translational Assumptions
- Entity and Evidence Guided Document-Level Relation Extraction
- Duluth at SemEval-2021 Task 11: Applying DeBERTa to Contributing Sentence Selection and Dependency Parsing for Entity Extraction
- Entity at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Weakly Supervised Token Labelling for Toxic Spans Detection
- Counts@IITK at SemEval-2021 Task 8: SciBERT Based Entity And Semantic Relation Extraction For Scientific Data
NAACL 2021 (2021/06/06 ~ 2021/06/11)
- GEMNET: Effective Gated Gazetteer Representations for Recognizing Complex Entities in Low-context Input
- COVID-19 Named Entity Recognition for Vietnamese
- Noisy-Labeled NER with Confidence Estimation
- Better Feature Integration for Named Entity Recognition
- Multi-Grained Knowledge Distillation for Named Entity Recognition
- PhoNLP: A joint multi-task learning model for Vietnamese part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing
- Building Low-Resource NER Models Using Non-Speaker Annotations
- Neural Text Classification and Stacked Heterogeneous Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition in SMM4H 2021
- Lasige-BioTM at ProfNER: BiLSTM-CRF and contextual Spanish embeddings for Named Entity Recognition and Tweet Binary Classification
- Assessing multiple word embeddings for named entity recognition of professions and occupations in health-related social media
- Mitigating Temporal-Drift: A Simple Approach to Keep NER Models Crisp
- Linking Entities to Unseen Knowledge Bases with Arbitrary Schemas
- Clustering-based Inference for Biomedical Entity Linking
- Wikipedia Entities as Rendezvous across Languages: Grounding Multilingual Language Models by Predicting Wikipedia Hyperlinks
- Goodwill Hunting: Analyzing and Repurposing Off-the-Shelf Named Entity Linking Systems
- End-to-end Biomedical Entity Linking with Span-based Dictionary Matching
- Human-In-The-LoopEntity Linking for Low Resource Domains
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Evaluating the Impact of a Hierarchical Discourse Representation on Entity Coreference Resolution Performance
- Integrating Lexical Information into Entity Neighbourhood Representations for Relation Prediction
- Self-Alignment Pretraining for Biomedical Entity Representations
- Entity Prediction in Knowledge Graphs with Joint Embeddings
- A Frustratingly Easy Approach for Entity and Relation Extraction
- tWT–WT: A Dataset to Assert the Role of Target Entities for Detecting Stance of Tweets
- Modeling Human Mental States with an Entity-based Narrative Graph
- Optimizing NLU Reranking Using Entity Resolution Signals in Multi-domain Dialog Systems
- Entity Resolution in Open-domain Conversations
- Noise Robust Named Entity Understanding for Voice Assistants
- EntityBERT: Entity-centric Masking Strategy for Model Pretraining for the Clinical Domain
- MEAN: Multi-head Entity Aware Attention Networkfor Political Perspective Detection in News Media
- Analysis of Nuanced Stances and Sentiment Towards Entities of US Politicians through the Lens of Moral Foundation Theory
- Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Networks for Jointly Resolving Cross-document Coreference of Entity and Event Mentions
- xER: An Explainable Model for Entity Resolution using an Efficient Solution for the Clique Partitioning Problem
EACL 2021 (2021/04/19 ~ 2021/04/23)
- GLaRA: Graph-based Labeling Rule Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Named Entity Recognition
- T-NER: An All-Round Python Library for Transformer-based Named Entity Recognition
- T2NER: Transformers based Transfer Learning Framework for Named Entity Recognition
- TMR: Evaluating NER Recall on Tough Mentions
- Multilingual Named Entity Recognition and Matching Using BERT and Dedupe for Slavic Languages
- Multilingual Slavic Named Entity Recognition
- Using a Frustratingly Easy Domain and Tagset Adaptation for Creating Slavic Named Entity Recognition Systems
- Named Entity Recognition and Linking Augmented with Large-Scale Structured Data
- Slav-NER: the 3rd Cross-lingual Challenge on Recognition, Normalization, Classification, and Linking of Named Entities across Slavic Languages
- Dynamic Ensembles in Named Entity Recognition for Historical Arabic Texts
- CHOLAN: A Modular Approach for Neural Entity Linking on Wikipedia and Wikidata
- Fast and Effective Biomedical Entity Linking Using a Dual Encoder
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Joint Learning of Representations for Web-tables, Entities and Types using Graph Convolutional Network
- Language Models as Knowledge Bases: On Entity Representations, Storage Capacity, and Paraphrased Queries
- Event-Driven News Stream Clustering using Entity-Aware Contextual Embeddings
- DOCENT: Learning Self-Supervised Entity Representations from Large Document Collections
- ENPAR:Enhancing Entity and Entity Pair Representations for Joint Entity Relation Extraction
- FuzzyBIO: A Proposal for Fuzzy Representation of Discontinuous Entities
- GRIT: Generative Role-filler Transformers for Document-level Event Entity Extraction
- Cross-lingual Entity Alignment with Incidental Supervision
- TDMSci: A Specialized Corpus for Scientific Literature Entity Tagging of Tasks Datasets and Metrics
- Identifying Named Entities as they are Typed
- Multilingual Entity and Relation Extraction Dataset and Model
- Boosting Low-Resource Biomedical QA via Entity-Aware Masking Strategies
- Entity-level Factual Consistency of Abstractive Text Summarization
- Enconter: Entity Constrained Progressive Sequence Generation via Insertion-based Transformer
- An End-to-end Model for Entity-level Relation Extraction using Multi-instance Learning
- Related Named Entities Classification in the Economic-Financial Context
- SERAG: Semantic Entity Retrieval from Arabic Knowledge Graphs
TACL 2020
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
COLING 2020 (2020/12/08 ~ 2020/12/13)
- Leveraging HTML in Free Text Web Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition for Chinese biomedical patents
- Exploring Cross-sentence Contexts for Named Entity Recognition with BERT
- Evaluating Pretrained Transformer-based Models on the Task of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition
- An Analysis of Simple Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition
- Identifying Motion Entities in Natural Language and A Case Study for Named Entity Recognition
- Neural Language Modeling for Named Entity Recognition
- Exhaustive Entity Recognition for Coptic: Challenges and Solutions
- Merge and Recognize: A Geometry and 2D Context Aware Graph Model for Named Entity Recognition from Visual Documents
- A Semi-Supervised BERT Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
- TPLinker: Single-stage Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Through Token Pair Linking
- TrainX – Named Entity Linking with Active Sampling and Bi-Encoders
Entity Typing
- MZET: Memory Augmented Zero-Shot Fine-grained Named Entity Typing
- ManyEnt: A Dataset for Few-shot Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Span-based Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Attention-based Span-specific and Contextual Semantic Representations
- A Mixture-of-Experts Model for Learning Multi-Facet Entity Embeddings
- An Industry Evaluation of Embedding-based Entity Alignment
- E.T.: Entity-Transformers. Coreference augmented Neural Language Model for richer mention representations via Entity-Transformer blocks
- A survey of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge graph completion
- Graph-based Aspect Representation Learning for Entity Resolution
- Building Hierarchically Disentangled Language Models for Text Generation with Named Entities
- CEREC: A Corpus for Entity Resolution in Email Conversations
- Joint Entity and Relation Extraction for Legal Documents with Legal Feature Enhancement
- Referring to what you know and do not know: Making Referring Expression Generation Models Generalize To Unseen Entities
- Dual Attention Network for Cross-lingual Entity Alignment
- Semi-supervised URL Segmentation with Recurrent Neural Networks Pre-trained on Knowledge Graph Entities
- Utilizing Subword Entities in Character-Level Sequence-to-Sequence Lemmatization Models
- Controllable Abstractive Sentence Summarization with Guiding Entities
- Learning to Decouple Relations: Few-Shot Relation Classification with Entity-Guided Attention and Confusion-Aware Training
- A Contextual Alignment Enhanced Cross Graph Attention Network for Cross-lingual Entity Alignment
- DaN+: Danish Nested Named Entities and Lexical Normalization
- DUTH at SemEval-2020 Task 11: BERT with Entity Mapping for Propaganda Classification
CoNLL 2020 (2020/11/19 ~ 2020/11/20)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP 2020 (2020/11/16 ~ 2020/11/20)
- Named Entity Recognition for Social Media Texts with Semantic Augmentation
- HIT: Nested Named Entity Recognition via Head-Tail Pair and Token Interaction
- Interpretable Multi-dataset Evaluation for Named Entity Recognition
- Coarse-to-Fine Pre-training for Named Entity Recognition
- Simple and Effective Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Structured Nearest Neighbor Learning
- Counterfactual Generator: A Weakly-Supervised Method for Named Entity Recognition
- A Rigorous Study on Named Entity Recognition: Can Fine-tuning Pretrained Model Lead to the Promised Land?
- Named Entity Recognition Only from Word Embeddings
- BioBERTpt - A Portuguese Neural Language Model for Clinical Named Entity Recognition
- Assessment of DistilBERT performance on Named Entity Recognition task for the detection of Protected Health Information and medical concepts
- Joint Learning with Pre-trained Transformer on Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Tasks for Clinical Analytics
- The Chilean Waiting List Corpus: a new resource for clinical Named Entity Recognition in Spanish
- Toward Recognizing More Entity Types in NER: An Efficient Implementation using Only Entity Lexicons
- Inexpensive Domain Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models: Case Studies on Biomedical NER and Covid-19 QA
- Constrained Decoding for Computationally Efficient Named Entity Recognition Taggers
- A Dual-Attention Network for Joint Named Entity Recognition and Sentence Classification of Adverse Drug Events
- Improving Named Entity Recognition with Attentive Ensemble of Syntactic Information
- Hierarchical Region Learning for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- If You Build Your Own NER Scorer, Non-replicable Results Will Come
- The Impact of De-identification on Downstream Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Text
- Annotating the Pandemic: Named Entity Recognition and Normalisation in COVID-19 Literature
- Acknowledgement Entity Recognition in CORD-19 Papers
- May I Ask Who’s Calling? Named Entity Recognition on Call Center Transcripts for Privacy Law Compliance
- IITKGP at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Domain specific BERT representation for Named Entity Recognition of lab protocol
- PublishInCovid19 at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Entity Recognition in Wet Lab Protocols using Structured Learning Ensemble and Contextualised Embeddings
- WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Conditional Random Field(CRF) based Named Entity Recognition(NER) for Wet Lab Protocols
- mgsohrab at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Neural Exhaustive Approach for Entity and Relation Recognition Over Wet Lab Protocols
- BiTeM at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Named Entity Recognition over Wet Lab Protocols using an Ensemble of Contextual Language Models
- COMETA: A Corpus for Medical Entity Linking in the Social Media
- Scalable Zero-shot Entity Linking with Dense Entity Retrieval
- Design Challenges in Low-resource Cross-lingual Entity Linking
- Efficient One-Pass End-to-End Entity Linking for Questions
- Entity Linking in 100 Languages
- BENNERD: A Neural Named Entity Linking System for COVID-19
- Zero-shot Entity Linking with Efficient Long Range Sequence Modeling
- Joint Intent Detection and Entity Linking on Spatial Domain Queries
- Simple Hierarchical Multi-Task Neural End-To-End Entity Linking for Biomedical Text
- Tweeki: Linking Named Entities on Twitter to a Knowledge Graph
Entity Typing
- ENTYFI: A System for Fine-grained Entity Typing in Fictional Texts
- On the Complementary Nature of Knowledge Graph Embedding, Fine Grain Entity Types, and Language Modeling
- AutoETER: Automated Entity Type Representation for Knowledge Graph Embedding
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Knowledge Graph Alignment with Entity-Pair Embedding
- Learning Structured Representations of Entity Names using Active Learning and Weak Supervision
- LUKE: Deep Contextualized Entity Representations with Entity-aware Self-attention
- Wikipedia2Vec: An Efficient Toolkit for Learning and Visualizing the Embeddings of Words and Entities from Wikipedia
- Exploring Neural Entity Representations for Semantic Information
- Entity Attribute Relation Extraction with Attribute-Aware Embeddings
- Interpretable Entity Representations through Large-Scale Typing
- E-BERT: Efficient-Yet-Effective Entity Embeddings for BERT
- ERLKG: Entity Representation Learning and Knowledge Graph based association analysis of COVID-19 through mining of unstructured biomedical corpora
- ENT-DESC: Entity Description Generation by Exploring Knowledge Graph
- A Knowledge-driven Generative Model for Multi-implication Chinese Medical Procedure Entity Normalization
- Pre-training Entity Relation Encoder with Intra-span and Inter-span Information
- Two are Better than One: Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Table-Sequence Encoders
- Recurrent Interaction Network for Jointly Extracting Entities and Classifying Relations
- Entities as Experts: Sparse Memory Access with Entity Supervision
- Exploring and Evaluating Attributes, Values, and Structures for Entity Alignment
- Entity Enhanced BERT Pre-training for Chinese NER
- A Dataset for Tracking Entities in Open Domain Procedural Text
- Conundrums in Entity Coreference Resolution: Making Sense of the State of the Art
- Understanding Procedural Text using Interactive Entity Networks
- TESA: A Task in Entity Semantic Aggregation for Abstractive Summarization
- SynSetExpan: An Iterative Framework for Joint Entity Set Expansion and Synonym Discovery
- To Schedule or not to Schedule: Extracting Task Specific Temporal Entities and Associated Negation Constraints
- Evaluation of Transfer Learning for Adverse Drug Event (ADE) and Medication Entity Extraction
- Using Type Information to Improve Entity Coreference Resolution
- Minimize Exposure Bias of Seq2Seq Models in Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- Global Bootstrapping Neural Network for Entity Set Expansion
- COVID-19: A Semantic-Based Pipeline for Recommending Biomedical Entities
- Identifying and Classifying Third-party Entities in Natural Language Privacy Policies
- Structured Prediction for Joint Class Cardinality and Entity Property Inference in Model-Complete Text Comprehension
- WNUT-2020 Task 1 Overview: Extracting Entities and Relations from Wet Lab Protocols
- Fancy Man Launches Zippo at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: A Bert Case Model for Wet Lab Entity Extraction
- Winners at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: Leveraging Event Specific and Chunk Span information for Extracting COVID Entities from Tweets
ACL 2020 (2020/07/05 ~ 2020/07/10)
- Named Entity Recognition without Labelled Data: A Weak Supervision Approach
- Improving Multimodal Named Entity Recognition via Entity Span Detection with Unified Multimodal Transformer
- Code and Named Entity Recognition in StackOverflow
- A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition
- Improving Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition using Joint Sentence and Token Labeling
- Multi-Cell Compositional LSTM for NER Domain Adaptation
- Pyramid: A Layered Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Bipartite Flat-Graph Network for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Instance-Based Learning of Span Representations: A Case Study through Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition as Dependency Parsing
- Single-/Multi-Source Cross-Lingual NER via Teacher-Student Learning on Unlabeled Data in Target Language
- FLAT: Chinese NER Using Flat-Lattice Transformer
- Temporally-Informed Analysis of Named Entity Recognition
- Sources of Transfer in Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
- Soft Gazetteers for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- Multi-Domain Named Entity Recognition with Genre-Aware and Agnostic Inference
- TriggerNER: Learning with Entity Triggers as Explanations for Named Entity Recognition
- Embeddings of Label Components for Sequence Labeling: A Case Study of Fine-grained Named Entity Recognition
- Extensive Error Analysis and a Learning-Based Evaluation of Medical Entity Recognition Systems to Approximate User Experience
- Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition in E-Commerce with Positive Unlabeled Learning
- Zero-Resource Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
- Incorporating Uncertain Segmentation Information into Chinese NER for Social Media Text
- Improving Entity Linking through Semantic Reinforced Entity Embeddings
- From Zero to Hero: Human-In-The-Loop Entity Linking in Low Resource Domains
Entity Typing
- Connecting Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Entity Typing
- Hierarchical Entity Typing via Multi-level Learning to Rank
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Biomedical Entity Representations with Synonym Marginalization
- What’s in a Name? Are BERT Named Entity Representations just as Good for any other Name?
- Towards Interpretable Clinical Diagnosis with Bayesian Network Ensembles Stacked on Entity-Aware CNNs
- Entity-Aware Dependency-Based Deep Graph Attention Network for Comparative Preference Classification
- Relabel the Noise: Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations via Cooperative Multiagents
- Handling Rare Entities for Neural Sequence Labeling
- Neighborhood Matching Network for Entity Alignment
- Learning Interpretable Relationships between Entities, Relations and Concepts via Bayesian Structure Learning on Open Domain Facts
- Empower Entity Set Expansion via Language Model Probing
- Toward General Scene Graph: Integration of Visual Semantic Knowledge with Entity Synset Alignment
- Entity-Enriched Neural Models for Clinical Question Answering
LREC 2020
- A French Corpus and Annotation Schema for Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Financial News
- SiNER: A Large Dataset for Sindhi Named Entity Recognition
- A Dataset of German Legal Documents for Named Entity Recognition
- Where are we in Named Entity Recognition from Speech?
- ScienceExamCER: A High-Density Fine-Grained Science-Domain Corpus for Common Entity Recognition
- Creating a Dataset for Named Entity Recognition in the Archaeology Domain
- A Broad-coverage Corpus for Finnish Named Entity Recognition
- Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition in Geoscience Portuguese Literature
- Establishing a New State-of-the-Art for French Named Entity Recognition
- Reconstructing NER Corpora: a Case Study on Bulgarian
- Building a Norwegian Lexical Resource for Medical Entity Recognition
- A Deeper Study on Features for Named Entity Recognition
- Headword-Oriented Entity Linking: A Special Entity Linking Task with Dataset and Baseline
- CLEEK: A Chinese Long-text Corpus for Entity Linking
- KORE 50ˆDYWC: An Evaluation Data Set for Entity Linking Based on DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata, and Crunchbase
- Building a Multimodal Entity Linking Dataset From Tweets
- Hedwig: A Named Entity Linker
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- A Study on Entity Resolution for Email Conversations
- Effort Estimation in Named Entity Tagging Tasks
- Multi-class Multilingual Classification of Wikipedia Articles Using Extended Named Entity Tag Set
- WEXEA: Wikipedia EXhaustive Entity Annotation
- Social Web Observatory: A Platform and Method for Gathering Knowledge on Entities from Different Textual Sources
- WN-Salience: A Corpus of News Articles with Entity Salience Annotations
- Towards Entity Spaces
- The STEM-ECR Dataset: Grounding Scientific Entity References in STEM Scholarly Content to Authoritative Encyclopedic and Lexicographic Sources
- A Myanmar (Burmese)-English Named Entity Transliteration Dictionary
- Cross-lingual Named Entity List Search via Transliteration
- Introducing RONEC - the Romanian Named Entity Corpus
- Czech Historical Named Entity Corpus v 1.0
- Named Entities in Medical Case Reports: Corpus and Experiments
- NorNE: Annotating Named Entities for Norwegian
- DaNE: A Named Entity Resource for Danish
- Fine-grained Named Entity Annotations for German Biographic Interviews
TACL 2019
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 (2019/11/03 ~ 2019/11/07)
- A Boundary-aware Neural Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Similarity Based Auxiliary Classifier for Named Entity Recognition
- Hierarchical Meta-Embeddings for Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition
- Feature-Dependent Confusion Matrices for Low-Resource NER Labeling with Noisy Labels
- Improved Differentiable Architecture Search for Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition
- Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Collaborative Graph Network
- Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition
- A Little Annotation does a Lot of Good: A Study in Bootstrapping Low-resource Named Entity Recognizers
- Combining Spans into Entities: A Neural Two-Stage Approach for Recognizing Discontiguous Entities
- Gazetteer-Enhanced Attentive Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition
- Multi-Task Learning for Chemical Named Entity Recognition with Chemical Compound Paraphrasing
- Weakly Supervised Attention Networks for Entity Recognition
- What Matters for Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition: An Empirical Analysis
- Robustness to Capitalization Errors in Named Entity Recognition
- PharmaCoNER: Pharmacological Substances, Compounds and proteins Named Entity Recognition track
- Deep neural model with enhanced embeddings for pharmaceutical and chemical entities recognition in Spanish clinical text
- Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Multilingual BERT
- Transfer Learning in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: An Evaluation of BERT in the PharmaCoNER task
- Linguistically Informed Relation Extraction and Neural Architectures for Nested Named Entity Recognition in BioNLP-OST 2019
- Reinforcement-based denoising of distantly supervised NER with partial annotation
- Learning Dynamic Context Augmentation for Global Entity Linking
- Fine-Grained Evaluation for Entity Linking
- Improving Fine-grained Entity Typing with Entity Linking
- Cross-lingual Joint Entity and Word Embedding to Improve Entity Linking and Parallel Sentence Mining
- Towards Zero-resource Cross-lingual Entity Linking
Entity Typing
- Fine-Grained Entity Typing via Hierarchical Multi Graph Convolutional Networks
- An Attentive Fine-Grained Entity Typing Model with Latent Type Representation
- Redcoat: A Collaborative Annotation Tool for Hierarchical Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Jointly Learning Entity and Relation Representations for Entity Alignment
- EntEval: A Holistic Evaluation Benchmark for Entity Representations
- Semi-supervised Entity Alignment via Joint Knowledge Embedding Model and Cross-graph Model
- Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations
- When Specialization Helps: Using Pooled Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Chemical and Biomedical Entities in Spanish
- Entity-Consistent End-to-end Task-Oriented Dialogue System with KB Retriever
- Tackling Long-Tailed Relations and Uncommon Entities in Knowledge Graph Completion
- Learning to Bootstrap for Entity Set Expansion
- Leveraging 2-hop Distant Supervision from Table Entity Pairs for Relation Extraction
- Effective Use of Transformer Networks for Entity Tracking
- Modeling Multi-mapping Relations for Precise Cross-lingual Entity Alignment
- Entity Projection via Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual NER
- Referring Expression Generation Using Entity Profiles
- An Entity-Driven Framework for Abstractive Summarization
- Aligning Cross-Lingual Entities with Multi-Aspect Information
- Learning to Infer Entities, Properties and their Relations from Clinical Conversations
- CrossWeigh: Training Named Entity Tagger from Imperfect Annotations
- Entity resolution for noisy ASR transcripts
- Relation Prediction for Unseen-Entities Using Entity-Word Graphs
- Scalable graph-based method for individual named entity identification
- NLNDE: Enhancing Neural Sequence Taggers with Attention and Noisy Channel for Robust Pharmacological Entity Detection
- An ensemble CNN method for biomedical entity normalization
- BOUN-ISIK Participation: An Unsupervised Approach for the Named Entity Normalization and Relation Extraction of Bacteria Biotopes
- Multi-step Entity-centric Information Retrieval for Multi-Hop Question Answering
- Relation Extraction among Multiple Entities Using a Dual Pointer Network with a Multi-Head Attention Mechanism
CoNLL 2019 (2019/11/03 ~ 2019/11/04)
- Named Entity Recognition - Is There a Glass Ceiling?
- Named Entity Recognition with Partially Annotated Training Data
- BIOfid Dataset: Publishing a German Gold Standard for Named Entity Recognition in Historical Biodiversity Literature
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Learning a Unified Named Entity Tagger from Multiple Partially Annotated Corpora for Efficient Adaptation
- Neural Attentive Bag-of-Entities Model for Text Classification
- MrMep: Joint Extraction of Multiple Relations and Multiple Entity Pairs Based on Triplet Attention
ACL 2019 (2019/07/28 ~ 2019/08/02)
- A Joint Named-Entity Recognizer for Heterogeneous Tag-sets Using a Tag Hierarchy
- Multi-grained Named Entity Recognition
- A Neural Multi-digraph Model for Chinese NER with Gazetteers
- Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition using Positive-Unlabeled Learning
- Cross-Domain NER using Cross-Domain Language Modeling
- Dual Adversarial Neural Transfer for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- NNE: A Dataset for Nested Named Entity Recognition in English Newswire
- Towards Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers
- Neural Architectures for Nested NER through Linearization
- A Prism Module for Semantic Disentanglement in Name Entity Recognition
- A Semi-Markov Structured Support Vector Machine Model for High-Precision Named Entity Recognition
- Corpus Creation and Analysis for Named Entity Recognition in Telugu-English Code-Mixed Social Media Data
- Joint Learning of Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking
- Embedding Strategies for Specialized Domains: Application to Clinical Entity Recognition
- Augmenting Named Entity Recognition with Commonsense Knowledge
- The Second Cross-Lingual Challenge on Recognition, Normalization, Classification, and Linking of Named Entities across Slavic Languages
- BSNLP2019 Shared Task Submission: Multisource Neural NER Transfer
- TLR at BSNLP2019: A Multilingual Named Entity Recognition System
- Tuning Multilingual Transformers for Language-Specific Named Entity Recognition
- Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Using Pretrained Embeddings, Attention Mechanism and NCRF
- JRC TMA-CC: Slavic Named Entity Recognition and Linking. Participation in the BSNLP-2019 shared task
- Towards Robust Named Entity Recognition for Historic German
- Learning Multilingual Meta-Embeddings for Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition
- Arabic Named Entity Recognition: What Works and What’s Next
- Contributions to Clinical Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
- Improving Chemical Named Entity Recognition in Patents with Contextualized Word Embeddings
- LasigeBioTM at MEDIQA 2019: Biomedical Question Answering using Bidirectional Transformers and Named Entity Recognition
- Boosting Entity Linking Performance by Leveraging Unlabeled Documents
- Zero-Shot Entity Linking by Reading Entity Descriptions
- Distant Learning for Entity Linking with Automatic Noise Detection
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Generating Logical Forms from Graph Representations of Text and Entities
- Exploiting Entity BIO Tag Embeddings and Multi-task Learning for Relation Extraction with Imbalanced Data
- ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities
- Improving Neural Entity Disambiguation with Graph Embeddings
- Coreference Resolution with Entity Equalization
- Joint Entity Extraction and Assertion Detection for Clinical Text
- Entity-Relation Extraction as Multi-Turn Question Answering
- Joint Type Inference on Entities and Relations via Graph Convolutional Networks
- GraphRel: Modeling Text as Relational Graphs for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network for Entity Alignment
- Data-to-text Generation with Entity Modeling
- Entity-Centric Contextual Affective Analysis
- Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution
- Sequence-to-Nuggets: Nested Entity Mention Detection via Anchor-Region Networks
- Low-resource Deep Entity Resolution with Transfer and Active Learning
- The Referential Reader: A Recurrent Entity Network for Anaphora Resolution
- Entity-level Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions: a Comparison of Neural Network Models
- Unsupervised Induction of Ukrainian Morphological Paradigms for the New Lexicon: Extending Coverage for Named Entities and Neologisms using Inflection Tables and Unannotated Corpora
NAACL 2019 (2019/06/02 ~ 2019/06/07)
- Entity Recognition at First Sight: Improving NER with Eye Movement Information
- Pooled Contextualized Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition
- Better Modeling of Incomplete Annotations for Named Entity Recognition
- Knowledge-Augmented Language Model and Its Application to Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition
- Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities
- CAN-NER: Convolutional Attention Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
- Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Japanese Named Entity Recognition
- Audio De-identification - a New Entity Recognition Task
- Hierarchical Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Old is Gold: Linguistic Driven Approach for Entity and Relation Linking of Short Text
- What do Entity-Centric Models Learn? Insights from Entity Linking in Multi-Party Dialogue
- Medical Entity Linking using Triplet Network
Entity Typing
- Imposing Label-Relational Inductive Bias for Extremely Fine-Grained Entity Typing
- Description-Based Zero-shot Fine-Grained Entity Typing
- Learning to Denoise Distantly-Labeled Data for Entity Typing
- Improving Distantly-supervised Entity Typing with Compact Latent Space Clustering
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- BAG: Bi-directional Attention Entity Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-hop Reasoning Question Answering
- PoMo: Generating Entity-Specific Post-Modifiers in Context
- Graph Pattern Entity Ranking Model for Knowledge Graph Completion
- An annotated dataset of literary entities
- Multilingual Entity, Relation, Event and Human Value Extraction
- Tracking Discrete and Continuous Entity State for Process Understanding
- Evaluation of named entity coreference
- Entity Decisions in Neural Language Modelling: Approaches and Problems
- Cross-lingual NIL Entity Clustering for Low-resource Languages
TACL 2018
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
PACLIC 2018 (2018/12/01 ~ 2018/12/03)
- Effectiveness of Character Language Model for Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition
- Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition
- Fine-tuning for Named Entity Recognition Using Part-of-Speech Tagging
- Attention-based BLSTM-CRF Architecture for Mongolian Named Entity Recognition
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP 2018 (2018/10/31 ~ 2018/11/04)
- Adversarial Transfer Learning for Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Self-Attention Mechanism
- Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition with Minimal Resources
- Neural Adaptation Layers for Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition
- Marginal Likelihood Training of BiLSTM-CRF for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition from Disjoint Label Sets
- Deep Exhaustive Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- On the Strength of Character Language Models for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
- DeFactoNLP: Fact Verification using Entity Recognition, TFIDF Vector Comparison and Decomposable Attention
- Comparing CNN and LSTM character-level embeddings in BiLSTM-CRF models for chemical and disease named entity recognition
- In-domain Context-aware Token Embeddings Improve Biomedical Named Entity Recognition
- Exploring Named Entity Recognition As an Auxiliary Task for Slot Filling in Conversational Language Understanding
- Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Model on Neural Named-Entity Recognition in Indonesian Conversational Texts
- Low-resource named entity recognition via multi-source projection: Not quite there yet?
- Effective Use of Context in Noisy Entity Linking
- Entity Linking within a Social Media Platform: A Case Study on Yelp
- Joint Multilingual Supervision for Cross-lingual Entity Linking
- SIRIUS-LTG: An Entity Linking Approach to Fact Extraction and Verification
- Integrating Entity Linking and Evidence Ranking for Fact Extraction and Verification
Entity Typing
- Put It Back: Entity Typing with Language Model Enhancement
- Zero-Shot Open Entity Typing as Type-Compatible Grounding
- Multi-Multi-View Learning: Multilingual and Multi-Representation Entity Typing
- Building Context-aware Clause Representations for Situation Entity Type Classification
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Entity Tracking Improves Cloze-style Reading Comprehension
- Mapping Text to Knowledge Graph Entities using Multi-Sense LSTMs
- Regular Expression Guided Entity Mention Mining from Noisy Web Data
- Annotation of a Large Clinical Entity Corpus
- Learning Named Entity Tagger using Domain-Specific Dictionary
- Extracting Entities and Relations with Joint Minimum Risk Training
- Neural Transition Based Parsing of Web Queries: An Entity Based Approach
- Adversarial training for multi-context joint entity and relation extraction
- Multi-Task Identification of Entities, Relations, and Coreference for Scientific Knowledge Graph Construction
- Content Explorer: Recommending Novel Entities for a Document Writer
- Entity-aware Image Caption Generation
- Frame- and Entity-Based Knowledge for Common-Sense Argumentative Reasoning
- A Comparison of Entity Matching Methods between English and Japanese Katakana
CoNLL 2018 (2018/10/31 ~ 2018/11/01)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- A Trio Neural Model for Dynamic Entity Relatedness Ranking
- Latent Entities Extraction: How to Extract Entities that Do Not Appear in the Text?
COLING 2018 (2018/08/20 ~ 2018/08/26)
- An Empirical Study on Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition
- Robust Lexical Features for Improved Neural Network Named-Entity Recognition
- Transfer Learning for Entity Recognition of Novel Classes
- Improving Named Entity Recognition by Jointly Learning to Disambiguate Morphological Tags
- A Survey on Recent Advances in Named Entity Recognition from Deep Learning models
- Distantly Supervised NER with Partial Annotation Learning and Reinforcement Learning
- Learning to Progressively Recognize New Named Entities with Sequence to Sequence Models
- They Exist! Introducing Plural Mentions to Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking
- Systematic Study of Long Tail Phenomena in Entity Linking
- Neural Collective Entity Linking
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Representation Learning of Entities and Documents from Knowledge Base Descriptions
- Exploiting Structure in Representation of Named Entities using Active Learning
- An Exploration of Three Lightly-supervised Representation Learning Approaches for Named Entity Classification
- Design Challenges in Named Entity Transliteration
- A Practical Incremental Learning Framework For Sparse Entity Extraction
- Multilevel Heuristics for Rationale-Based Entity Relation Classification in Sentences
- Joint Neural Entity Disambiguation with Output Space Search
- Neural Machine Translation Incorporating Named Entity
- Utilizing Graph Measure to Deduce Omitted Entities in Paragraphs
ACL 2018 (2018/07/15 ~ 2018/07/20)
- Chinese NER Using Lattice LSTM
- Named Entity Recognition With Parallel Recurrent Neural Networks
- A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German
- A Study of the Importance of External Knowledge in the Named Entity Recognition Task
- Recognizing Complex Entity Mentions: A Review and Future Directions
- Language Identification and Named Entity Recognition in Hinglish Code Mixed Tweets
- Embedding Transfer for Low-Resource Medical Named Entity Recognition: A Case Study on Patient Mobility
- Bacteria and Biotope Entity Recognition Using A Dictionary-Enhanced Neural Network Model
- Connecting Distant Entities with Induction through Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition: Precursor-Induced CRF
- Named Entity Recognition for Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text
- GHHT at CALCS 2018: Named Entity Recognition for Dialectal Arabic Using Neural Networks
- Simple Features for Strong Performance on Named Entity Recognition in Code-Switched Twitter Data
- Bilingual Character Representation for Efficiently Addressing Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data Using Conditional Random Fields
- Multilingual Named Entity Recognition on Spanish-English Code-switched Tweets using Support Vector Machines
- Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task
- IIT (BHU) Submission for the ACL Shared Task on Named Entity Recognition on Code-switched Data
- Code-Switched Named Entity Recognition with Embedding Attention
- Hierarchical Losses and New Resources for Fine-grained Entity Typing and Linking
- LinkNBed: Multi-Graph Representation Learning with Entity Linkage
- Improving Entity Linking by Modeling Latent Relations between Mentions
- Neural Cross-Lingual Coreference Resolution And Its Application To Entity Linking
- Multi-lingual Entity Discovery and Linking
- A Sequence Learning Method for Domain-Specific Entity Linking
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- A Framework for Developing and Evaluating Word Embeddings of Drug-named Entity
- Comparison of Representations of Named Entities for Document Classification
- Knowledge Graph Embedding with Numeric Attributes of Entities
- Jointly Embedding Entities and Text with Distant Supervision
- Coherence Modeling of Asynchronous Conversations: A Neural Entity Grid Approach
- Entity-Centric Joint Modeling of Japanese Coreference Resolution and Predicate Argument Structure Analysis
- Multimodal Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Social Media Posts
- Building Language Models for Text with Named Entities
- Entity-Duet Neural Ranking: Understanding the Role of Knowledge Graph Semantics in Neural Information Retrieval
- A Walk-based Model on Entity Graphs for Relation Extraction
- Improving Topic Quality by Promoting Named Entities in Topic Modeling
- diaNED: Time-Aware Named Entity Disambiguation for Diachronic Corpora
- Ontology alignment in the biomedical domain using entity definitions and context
- Proceedings of the Seventh Named Entities Workshop
- Automatic Extraction of Entities and Relation from Legal Documents
- Forms of Anaphoric Reference to Organisational Named Entities: Hoping to widen appeal, they diversified
- Named-Entity Tagging and Domain adaptation for Better Customized Translation
- Report of NEWS 2018 Named Entity Transliteration Shared Task
- Neural Machine Translation Techniques for Named Entity Transliteration
NAACL 2018 (2018/06/01 ~ 2018/06/06)
- Label-Aware Double Transfer Learning for Cross-Specialty Medical Named Entity Recognition
- Multimodal Named Entity Recognition for Short Social Media Posts
- Nested Named Entity Recognition Revisited
- Modeling Noisiness to Recognize Named Entities using Multitask Neural Networks on Social Media
- A Neural Layered Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition
- Improve Neural Entity Recognition via Multi-Task Data Selection and Constrained Decoding
- ELDEN: Improved Entity Linking Using Densified Knowledge Graphs
- Cross-language Article Linking Using Cross-Encyclopedia Entity Embedding
- ELISA-EDL: A Cross-lingual Entity Extraction, Linking and Localization System
Entity Typing
- Neural Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification with Hierarchy-Aware Loss
- Zero-Shot Question Generation from Knowledge Graphs for Unseen Predicates and Entity Types
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Entity Commonsense Representation for Neural Abstractive Summarization
- Neural Text Generation in Stories Using Entity Representations as Context
- Collective Entity Disambiguation with Structured Gradient Tree Boosting
- Recurrent Entity Networks with Delayed Memory Update for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
- Structure Regularized Neural Network for Entity Relation Classification for Chinese Literature Text
- Benchmarks and models for entity-oriented polarity detection
- Entity Resolution and Location Disambiguation in the Ancient Hindu Temples Domain using Web Data
- Event versus entity co-reference: Effects of context and form of referring expression
LREC 2018 (2018/05/07 ~ 2018/05/12)
- Building Named Entity Recognition Taggers via Parallel Corpora
- BiLSTM-CRF for Persian Named-Entity Recognition ArmanPersoNERCorpus: the First Entity-Annotated Persian Dataset
- A German Corpus for Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Traffic and Industry Events
- A Corpus Study and Annotation Schema for Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Business Products
- Portuguese Named Entity Recognition using Conditional Random Fields and Local Grammars
- M-CNER: A Corpus for Chinese Named Entity Recognition in Multi-Domains
- SlugNERDS: A Named Entity Recognition Tool for Open Domain Dialogue Systems
- Transfer Learning for Named-Entity Recognition with Neural Networks
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Combining rule-based and embedding-based approaches to normalize textual entities with an ontology
- Extended HowNet 2.0 – An Entity-Relation Common-Sense Representation Model
- Medical Entity Corpus with PICO elements and Sentiment Analysis
- A Deep Neural Network based Approach for Entity Extraction in Code-Mixed Indian Social Media Text
- A Multilingual Test Collection for the Semantic Search of Entity Categories
- Adding Syntactic Annotations to Flickr30k Entities Corpus for Multimodal Ambiguous Prepositional-Phrase Attachment Resolution
TACL 2017
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
IJCNLP 2017 (2017/11/27 ~ 2017/12/01)
- WiNER: A Wikipedia Annotated Corpus for Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition with Stack Residual LSTM and Trainable Bias Decoding
- Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition with Cross-lingual, Character-Level Neural Conditional Random Fields
- Segment-Level Neural Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition
- A Multi-task Learning Approach to Adapting Bilingual Word Embeddings for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Domain-Adaptable Hybrid Generation of RDF Entity Descriptions
- ES-LDA: Entity Summarization using Knowledge-based Topic Modeling
- A Neural Language Model for Dynamically Representing the Meanings of Unknown Words and Entities in a Discourse
PACLIC 2017 (2017/11/16 ~ 2017/11/18)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP 2017 (2017/09/07 ~ 2017/09/11)
- Cheap Translation for Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition
- Leveraging Linguistic Structures for Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional Recursive Neural Networks
- Fast and Accurate Entity Recognition with Iterated Dilated Convolutions
- Entity Linking for Queries by Searching Wikipedia Sentences
- Entity Linking via Joint Encoding of Types, Descriptions, and Context
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- World Knowledge for Reading Comprehension: Rare Entity Prediction with Hierarchical LSTMs Using External Descriptions
- Identifying civilians killed by police with distantly supervised entity-event extraction
- Global Normalization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Joint Entity and Relation Classification
- Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation with Local Neural Attention
CoNLL 2017 (2017/08/03 ~ 2017/08/04)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Text
- A Joint Model for Semantic Sequences: Frames, Entities, Sentiments
ACL 2017 (2017/07/30 ~ 2017/08/04)
- A Local Detection Approach for Named Entity Recognition and Mention Detection
- Weakly Supervised Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition via Effective Annotation and Representation Projection
- Extended Named Entity Recognition API and Its Applications in Language Education
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Apples to Apples: Learning Semantics of Common Entities Through a Novel Comprehension Task
- Going out on a limb: Joint Extraction of Entity Mentions and Relations without Dependency Trees
- Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Based on a Novel Tagging Scheme
- English Multiword Expression-aware Dependency Parsing Including Named Entities
EACL 2017 (2017/04/03 ~ 2017/04/07)
- Named Entity Recognition in the Medical Domain with Constrained CRF Models
- F-Score Driven Max Margin Neural Network for Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Social Media
Entity Typing
- Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification by Jointly Learning Representations and Label Embeddings
- Noise Mitigation for Neural Entity Typing and Relation Extraction
- Neural Architectures for Fine-grained Entity Type Classification
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Multi-level Representations for Fine-Grained Typing of Knowledge Base Entities
- Entity Extraction in Biomedical Corpora: An Approach to Evaluate Word Embedding Features with PSO based Feature Selection
- Chains of Reasoning over Entities, Relations, and Text using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Generalizing to Unseen Entities and Entity Pairs with Row-less Universal Schema
- SMARTies: Sentiment Models for Arabic Target entities
- Grouping business news stories based on salience of named entities
- End-to-End Trainable Attentive Decoder for Hierarchical Entity Classification
TACL 2016
- J-NERD: Joint Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation with Rich Linguistic Features
- Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
COLING 2016 (2016/12/11 ~ 2016/12/16)
- Mongolian Named Entity Recognition System with Rich Features
- CharNER: Character-Level Named Entity Recognition
- Named Entity Recognition for Linguistic Rapid Response in Low-Resource Languages: Sorani Kurdish and Tajik
- Broad Twitter Corpus: A Diverse Named Entity Recognition Resource
- PersoNER: Persian Named-Entity Recognition
- Joint Learning of Local and Global Features for Entity Linking via Neural Networks
- TASTY: Interactive Entity Linking As-You-Type
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Bitext Name Tagging for Cross-lingual Entity Annotation Projection
- Named Entity Disambiguation for little known referents: a topic-based approach
- Extracting Spatial Entities and Relations in Korean Text
- Table Filling Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
- First Story Detection using Entities and Relations
- Experiments in Candidate Phrase Selection for Financial Named Entity Extraction - A Demo
- Illinois Cross-Lingual Wikifier: Grounding Entities in Many Languages to the English Wikipedia
- MAGES: A Multilingual Angle-integrated Grouping-based Entity Summarization System
EMNLP 2016 (2016/11/01 ~ 2016/11/05)
- Learning to Recognize Discontiguous Entities
- Named Entity Recognition for Novel Types by Transfer Learning
- Improving Multilingual Named Entity Recognition with Wikipedia Entity Type Mapping
- Phonologically Aware Neural Model for Named Entity Recognition in Low Resource Transfer Settings
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Lifelong-RL: Lifelong Relaxation Labeling for Separating Entities and Aspects in Opinion Targets
- Generating Abbreviations for Chinese Named Entities Using Recurrent Neural Network with Dynamic Dictionary
PACLIC 2016 (2016/10/28 ~ 2016/10/30)
- A Pipeline Japanese Entity Linking System with Embedding Features
- Automatic Identifying Entity Type in Linked Data
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
CoNLL 2016 (2016/08/11 ~ 2016/08/12)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity Disambiguation
- Entity Disambiguation by Knowledge and Text Jointly Embedding
ACL 2016 (2016/08/07 ~ 2016/08/12)
- Recognizing Salient Entities in Shopping Queries
- Improving Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Word Segmentation Representation Learning
- Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition Referring to the Real World by Deep Neural Networks
- Bootstrapped Text-level Named Entity Recognition for Literature
- Which Coreference Evaluation Metric Do You Trust? A Proposal for a Link-based Entity Aware Metric
- One for All: Towards Language Independent Named Entity Linking
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Improving Coreference Resolution by Learning Entity-Level Distributed Representations
- Leveraging Lexical Resources for Learning Entity Embeddings in Multi-Relational Data
- A Multi-media Approach to Cross-lingual Entity Knowledge Transfer
- Collective Entity Resolution with Multi-Focal Attention
- Investigating LSTMs for Joint Extraction of Opinion Entities and Relations
- Beyond Plain Spatial Knowledge: Determining Where Entities Are and Are Not Located, and For How Long
- Situation entity types: automatic classification of clause-level aspect
- Alleviating Poor Context with Background Knowledge for Named Entity Disambiguation
- An Entity-Focused Approach to Generating Company Descriptions
- Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes
- DeepLife: An Entity-aware Search, Analytics and Exploration Platform for Health and Life Sciences
- JEDI: Joint Entity and Relation Detection using Type Inference
NAACL 2016 (2016/06/12 ~ 2016/06/17)
- An Empirical Study of Automatic Chinese Word Segmentation for Spoken Language Understanding and Named Entity Recognition
- Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- STransE: a novel embedding model of entities and relationships in knowledge bases
- Dynamic Entity Representation with Max-pooling Improves Machine Reading
- Entity-balanced Gaussian pLSA for Automated Comparison
- Joint Extraction of Events and Entities within a Document Context
- Unsupervised Ranking Model for Entity Coreference Resolution
LREC 2016 (2016/05/23 ~ 2016/05/28)
- Named Entity Recognition on Twitter for Turkish using Semi-supervised Learning with Word Embeddings
- Domain Adaptation for Named Entity Recognition Using CRFs
- Name Translation based on Fine-grained Named Entity Recognition in a Single Language
- The ACL RD-TEC 2.0: A Language Resource for Evaluating Term Extraction and Entity Recognition Methods
- WTF-LOD - A New Resource for Large-Scale NER Evaluation
- Government Domain Named Entity Recognition for South African Languages
- Incorporating Lexico-semantic Heuristics into Coreference Resolution Sieves for Named Entity Recognition at Document-level
- An Open Corpus for Named Entity Recognition in Historic Newspapers
- Cross-lingual Linking of Multi-word Entities and their corresponding Acronyms
- SemLinker, a Modular and Open Source Framework for Named Entity Discovery and Linking
- Context-enhanced Adaptive Entity Linking
- Entity Linking with a Paraphrase Flavor
- Generating a Large-Scale Entity Linking Dictionary from Wikipedia Link Structure and Article Text
- ELMD: An Automatically Generated Entity Linking Gold Standard Dataset in the Music Domain
- A Regional News Corpora for Contextualized Entity Discovery and Linking
- Evaluating Entity Linking: An Analysis of Current Benchmark Datasets and a Roadmap for Doing a Better Job
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Adapting an Entity Centric Model for Portuguese Coreference Resolution
- E-TIPSY: Search Query Corpus Annotated with Entities, Term Importance, POS Tags, and Syntactic Parses
- A comparison of Named-Entity Disambiguation and Word Sense Disambiguation
- Crowdsourced Corpus with Entity Salience Annotations
- Annotating Named Entities in Consumer Health Questions
- Named Entity Resources - Overview and Outlook
- Parallel Chinese-English Entities, Relations and Events Corpora
- Typed Entity and Relation Annotation on Computer Science Papers
TACL 2015
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- One Vector is Not Enough: Entity-Augmented Distributed Semantics for Discourse Relations
- Plato: A Selective Context Model for Entity Resolution
PACLIC 2015 (2015/10/30 ~ 2015/11/01)
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
EMNLP 2015 (2015/09/17 ~ 2015/09/21)
- Named entity recognition with document-specific KB tag gazetteers
- Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Jointly Trained Embeddings
- Joint Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
- Language and Domain Independent Entity Linking with Quantified Collective Validation
- C3EL: A Joint Model for Cross-Document Co-Reference Resolution and Entity Linking
Entity Typing
- Corpus-level Fine-grained Entity Typing Using Contextual Information
- FINET: Context-Aware Fine-Grained Named Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Aligning Knowledge and Text Embeddings by Entity Descriptions
- ERSOM: A Structural Ontology Matching Approach Using Automatically Learned Entity Representation
- Joint Prediction for Entity/Event-Level Sentiment Analysis using Probabilistic Soft Logic Models
- An Entity-centric Approach for Overcoming Knowledge Graph Sparsity
- Name List Only? Target Entity Disambiguation in Short Texts
- Biography-Dependent Collaborative Entity Archiving for Slot Filling
- Extracting Relations between Non-Standard Entities using Distant Supervision and Imitation Learning
- Knowledge Base Inference using Bridging Entities
CoNLL 2015 (2015/07/30 ~ 2015/07/31)
- Entity Linking Korean Text: An Unsupervised Learning Approach using Semantic Relations
- Linking Entities Across Images and Text
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
ACL-IJCNLP 2015 (2015/07/26 ~ 2015/07/31)
- Improving Named Entity Recognition in Tweets via Detecting Non-Standard Words
- Cross-lingual Transfer of Named Entity Recognizers without Parallel Corpora
- S-MART: Novel Tree-based Structured Learning Algorithms Applied to Tweet Entity Linking
- Sieve-Based Entity Linking for the Biomedical Domain
- Visual Error Analysis for Entity Linking
Entity Typing
Entity Representations / Embeddings
- Low-Rank Regularization for Sparse Conjunctive Feature Spaces: An Application to Named Entity Classification
- Generative Event Schema Induction with Entity Disambiguation
- Entity Retrieval via Entity Factoid Hierarchy
- Learning to Explain Entity Relationships in Knowledge Graphs
- Context-aware Entity Morph Decoding
- Multi-Objective Optimization for the Joint Disambiguation of Nouns and Named Entities
- Sparse, Contextually Informed Models for Irony Detection: Exploiting User Communities, Entities and Sentiment
- Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution with Model Stacking
- NEED4Tweet: A Twitterbot for Tweets Named Entity Extraction and Disambiguation
NAACL 2015 (2015/05/31 ~ 2015/06/05)
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Word Representations for Twitter Named Entity Recognition
- Enhancing Sumerian Lemmatization by Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition
- Entity Linking for Spoken Language
- Unsupervised Entity Linking with Abstract Meaning Representation
- ELCO3: Entity Linking with Corpus Coherence Combining Open Source Annotators