HugoTeX copied to clipboard
LaTeX style hugo theme
A hugo theme which looks like a LaTeX document.
Live Demo:
This theme is heavily inspired by latex-css.
Quick Start
git clone
cd HugoTeX/exampleSite
hugo server -t ../..
# open http://localhost:1313/
Hugo (>= 0.92.0) is required.
Config settings
baseURL = ""
title = "HugoTeX"
paginate = 3
languageCode = "en"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
enableInlineShortcodes = true
footnoteReturnLinkContents = "^"
name = "Kaito Sugimoto"
abstract = "I'm a software engineer and a coffee enthusiast in Japan. My primary interest lies in the area of natural language processing."
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
unsafe = true
style = "paraiso-dark" # syntax highlighting style
darkmode = true # set true if you prefer dark mode
LaTeX.css, which HugoTeX is using, defines syntax for sidenotes. However, as it is a little verbose to write, we provide a Hugo shortcode for that:
A sentence deserving a sidenote.{{% sidenote %}}The note itself.{{% /sidenote %}}.
The note will be displayed on the right margin on larger screens. On smaller screns the note will be hidden by default and will open when clicking on the superscript number marking the existence of the note.
For contributors
Any issues or pull requests are welcome.