cs431 copied to clipboard
Midterm exam on October 17th (Mon), 1:00pm-3:00pm in the lecture room (N1 102)
Please read carefully for the exam.
Date and Place
We will conduct the midterm exam on October 17th (Mon), 13:00-15:00 in the lecture room (N1 102). (No extension will be given.)
- Everything you've learned so far
- Slides page 1-48
- All the discussions we had during the lecture
- You must be physically present in the lecture room.
- You must not take a break for restrooms or other reasons.
- You may leave 30 minutes after the beginning.
- You should bring your own laptop to take the exam. If you don't any, please borrow one from the CS admin office by sending an email to Mr. Daejong Kim with me cc'ed.
- You should have a valid Google account because the problem/answer sheet will be given as a Google Form.
- You should bring your student ID card. If you don't have any, bring a government-issued ID card.
- You may use pencil and paper, but you must not use calculators, tablets, and text editors.
Screen Policy
On the laptop screen, you can only look at the following websites:
Go to https://gg.kaist.ac.kr/course/11 and click the exam event.
Here, you can see the "event token" (see below).
Here, you can also ask questions. If your question is not answered for 10 minutes, please let us know. Your questions can be written either in English or Korean. Answers will be in English.
The problem/answer sheet as a Google Form
It will be announced in gg.
To answer the Google Form, you need to (1) log in with a Google account, and (2) fill out your KAIST email address, name, student ID, and the event token.
The problems will be in English. You may answer either in English or Korean.
Frequently save your answer. Google Form does not automatically save your answers unless you "submit" them. You are allowed to resubmit the answers as many times as you want, so it is strongly recommended for you to submit your answers frequently. It is your responsibility to maintain your answers reliably and we will not make any exceptions due to technical problems such as network disconnections, web browser crashes, web browser hanging, etc.
Here's a practice answer sheet. Please make sure you successfully submitted your solution to the practice sheet before taking the exam.
Remote Participation Policy
If you really cannot be physically present in the lecture room, send an email to [email protected] to ask for explicit permission for remote participation. Without such explicit permission, you will be regarded as absent from the exam.
You should join two Zoom rooms with two Zoom accounts: "Announcement" room and the "CCTV" room (privately emailed). If you have only one account, please sign up once again.
Join the Announcement room with a device (probably desktop/laptop) in which you'll solve the exam problems. Turn off the camera and microphone.
Join the CCTV room with another device (probably a laptop/mobile) that observes you during the exam. For the entirety of the meeting, you need to (1) turn on the camera and microphone; (2) show your hand, paper, keyboard, and monitor; and (3) turn off the speaker. (For privacy concerns: please be noted that you agreed to do this at the beginning of the semester.) I've attached the model scene from the experienced TA below.
You should be properly present in both the Announcement and CCTV rooms 10 minutes before the beginning to the end of the exam. If you disappear from the camera after the exam starts, we will assume that you gave up on the exam and your score will be automatically zero. Network disconnections and/or power outages will not be excuses. Make sure you find a place where you can get a reliable internet connection and power supply.
Your Zoom name should be in the form of "200711632 강지훈". Otherwise, you may be disqualified.
At the beginning of the exam, you will be asked to show your student card. Please show it in front of the CCTV camera.
Frequently read Announcement Zoom room messages. We'll DM you when your CCTV doesn't work properly.
We'll try to mark the midterm exam and announce the scores by this week, but it may possibly take another week. The announcement will be made as a comment to this issue.
- total: 100
- average: 64.83
- standard deviation: 11.40
- max: 86
- min: 39
- histogram: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSm55KOwerKnRg710r-PBDIzJwGT8zZUe9KjRxxU2Vby8npqh-r9r1UObvXLi4dq2exn6QUGse0ldbb/pubchart?oid=1759404918&format=interactive
- You can check the points for each section here: https://gg.kaist.ac.kr/course/11/
- You can claim the midterm points next week. @Lee-Janggun, would you please announce how to do it?
- If you want to make a claim, please send an email to [email protected] by next Sunday, 2022-10-30, 23:59:59.
- Please follow the below format so that I can quickly send you the answers.
- Title: "[CS431 Midterm] Claim for <your student ID> <your name>"
- Content: For each claim, label each as the following.
* <Category name>: <Points you got> * <Short description about what you want to claim>
- Category name: TF, Concurrency API etc...
- If there are any changes in the general grading scheme, I will provide an update in this issue here, so please check it before you send me an email.
- Claims so far: I sent an email reply to the claims I got so far, so please check them.
- Claim policy: we won't send you the correct answers through email. In particular, I cannot give you the TF questions via email.
- Office hour for answers: I will have office hour Friday, 2022-10-28 at 9:00am ~ 10:00am, and 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm. If you want detailed explanation of answers, including TF questions, please come here.
- If you want to come to the office hour and have not sent an email, please do so first so that I can have a look beforehand.
- Place: the Zoom room or E3-1 4432.
@Lee-Janggun Do you mean Friday 28th, right? I guess 2022-10-27 is a typo.
@metamon123 Yes, thanks for the notice. Turns out I also had the same issue in the above comment, saying Sunday was the 30th....
I'm going to be a bit late for the morning claim. Sorry for the inconvineance.
is there no morning zoom office hour?
@lhi0901 I forgot about that... I am so sorry. If you have the time, can you come to the 1:00pm session? I'll have the Zoom room up then.
Update: I have finished replying to the claim emails. One I have gotten a response from them and finalized it, we will update the scores on gg. It should be up by tomorrow at the latest.
Update: I have finished re-checking that the scores are correctly updated in the grading sheet. The updated scores won't be in gg, but it will be applied into the final score.