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:sparkles: Ever wanted to have reactive css variables in svelte? What if I told you there's a way?


Ever wanted to have reactive css variables in svelte? What if I told you there's a way?

svelte-css-vars exposes a svelte action which receives an object of properties that should be treated as css custom properties. By defining this object inside a $:{} reactive block, svelte-css-vars can update those css properties on the fly whenever some of its values change.


import cssVars from 'svelte-css-vars';

After importing the module, just define the reactive object of your custom properties:

let some_state_variable = true;

$: styleVars = {
  titleColor: some_state_variable ? 'red' : 'blue',

And then use the action, passing the object, on the desired element:

  div {
    color: var(--titleColor);

<div use:cssVars="{styleVars}">
  <!-- anything here will have access to var(--titleColor) -->

