Git-GUI copied to clipboard
Git-GUI is a powerful graphical user interface for Git that runs on Windows. It's a standalone product and requires no Git installation.
Git-GUI is Windows only graphical user interface for Git source code management.
#####Please note: Git-GUI is not ready yet -- i.e. it's an alpha version that does not support everything you need. I'm working on it to make it a stable product.
#####Do I need the official Git installed on my computer? No. Git-GUI is standalone, it does not need Git installation.
#####Does Git-GUI have something to do with the official Git built-in tool called git-gui (git gui
on command line)?
No. Git-GUI is a software written by me (Kai Sellgren) as a hobby project.
Remember: heavily work in progress!
#####What do I need to run it?
- Windows Vista, 7 or 8.
- You need to have .NET framework 4.5 runtime installed/updated. Windows Update will do that for you if it does not have already.
Project goals
I aim to make a complete product that features the majority of Git functionality including from basic stuff to Stashes, Remotes and Bisects.
So you want to fix a bug or add a feature? Or perhaps you just want to try it out? Here's what you need to do:
- Install .NET Framework 4.5 or newer.
- Install Visual Studio 2012 RC or newer.
- Install Nuget for Visual Studio (it's a package manager).
- Restart Visual Studio.
- Install LibGit2Sharp via NuGet:
Install-Package LibGit2Sharp
- Install Microsoft.Windows.Shell via NuGet:
Install-Package Microsoft.Windows.Shell
- Restart Visual Studio or reload the project.
- Press F5.