@blaggacao maybe I could provide another package which depends on `node-ignore`, that I want to keep `node-ignore` nothing to do with `fs`(file systems) because the package `node-ignore` is also widely...
@remcohaszing Great idea 👍
Good catch, thx Working on it.
I can not quite get you. Can you provide a concrete use case? ```py stock['ma:10'] # a 10-period moving average stock['ma:20'] # a 20-period moving average ```
ROC (or PROC) is equivalent to ```py stock['change:(column:close),20'] # 20 means the 20-period ROC # calculate on close prices ``` Check https://github.com/kaelzhang/stock-pandas#change for details For now, you could use this...
Years have passed. Any updates for this? If latex is supported, github will have the potential to become another ArXiv and more **** And also, maybe github should support online...
我自己的集群,已经全面用 GitOps + k8s configmap 的方式来替代类似的配置中心了,目前自己不太在用 你有兴趣提 pr 吗
我说中文吧,这两个问题在之前的 review 里面我有写 第一个是,我上面标记的,如果使用了 `entireRes` 之后,那么 `this._config` 就不会更新,那么用户在直接获取单个 key 的时候,就会拿到老的值 第二,是一个核心的问题,其实我们没有必要引入一个 option,只需要增加一个新的 event 类型,比如叫 `all-changes` 就可以满足这个需求
No, for now, but I will working on that. On Ubuntu, the version of tesseract binary of apt-get source is 3.04, which is out-dated. And version 3.04 will cause a...
`-v` supported