Kalle Wachsmuth

Results 12 comments of Kalle Wachsmuth

Then I guess it would make sense to remove the file so it shows the [unsupported-platform error][source] when trying to compile. [source]: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/dd85d66ec353959479f7d8518a79d0c7d0b9e3ad/crates/jit/src/unwind.rs#L12

LiveSplit uses `9:00:00` for deltas and `24:00:00` otherwise ([source]). Would this require a new function on `ResourceAllocator` just for querying the width of a given string? Or should it be...

I think you need to rename the library file to `liblivesplitcore.so`. Don't change the line `System.loadLibrary("livesplitcore")`.

Since #5226 this throws a compile error.

This should also trigger on `.map_or(false, …)`, `.map(…).unwrap_or_default()`, `.map(…) == Some(true)` and `.filter(…).is_some()`.

The compile error was removed in #5627.

Also applies to `highway=path`'s for both bike and pedestrian use: [example](https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=fossgis_valhalla_foot&route=53.59271%2C9.98827%3B53.59434%2C9.98806#map=18/53.59358/9.98778).

which OS are you compiling for?