Kaarel Mänd

Results 4 issues of Kaarel Mänd

The file format used in the two beamlines I've been to at SOLEIL is [NeXus](https://www.nexusformat.org/), which is HDF5 under the hood. The files can, thus, be opened using larch.io.h5group on...


In the main [Table of Contents](https://xraypy.github.io/xraylarch/index.html#contents) of the documentation, the link for '5. XASViewer' points you to [https://xraypy.github.io/xraylarch/index.html](https://xraypy.github.io/xraylarch/xasviewer.html), which does not exist. The same broken link can be seen in...


Some of the common data prep steps that are nicely implemented in XAS Viewer remain undocumented in the XAFS chapter. The ones I've stumbled upon are merging (`larch.io.merge_groups`) and smoothing...


I must apologise for being a Linux noob, but this is a nice program I would really like to use, if only I could get it working somehow. The problem...