Sorry you didn't receive an answer yet. Did you find out anything about the issue in the meantime?
Closing. Possibly outdated issue. You can still post questions in here if the issue still shows up.
Thank you for reporting your error. Would it be possible for you to send the file which is causing the error or describe the exact steps you've done to see...
@tatarize has worked on this issue: https://github.com/EmbroidePy/pyembroidery/pull/76
I don't think we'll receive any file for that issue anymore and I don't think this is still an issue, since we reworked satin and satin autoroute. Therefore I'll close...
Thank you for this bug report and for providing the file! This is a very intersting issue.
Everything good. I just added it to the bugs project so we will not forget about it. It is perfectly fine here in the issues.
@QTP2 Thank you for taking the extra step and post your issue and the files here on GitHub. @Marif91 may be right about asking for the orientation. The most obvious...
Inkscape doesn't know anything about your hoop size. It saves the design as is. I suppose that there is a hoop size setting in MySewnet, so they know which hoop...
This is very exciting. Thanks for having a look into it!! Be aware that we are in a process with a lot of code changes involved. Almost every file will...