Huh, I am not really sure what is going on... ?!? Would you mind to send one or more of your font files for inspection? [email protected]
Hm, that's a strange riddle. Actually we release the Ink/Stitch version for Windows in 32 bit (it will run on 64 bit as well), but that makes it unlikely to...
Ink/Stitch has no feature to turn text into an embroidery font easily. At the moment we rely on users to send new fonts, which we can then add to the...
Oh, no no. Don't try this version. This was before the latest release. Rather install the latest release (2.2.0) and see if this solves the issue. I'm not sure though,...
Closing in favor of #1829
Hello and welcome! Ink/Stitch at the moment isn't capable to open .sew files. Here is a list of files Ink/Stitch can work with. Maybe you find an other suitable format:...
Sorry, I just see... we should be able to read, just not write. Would you mind to send us the file for inspection? We have a mail address in case...
Would you mind to test this version here and report back if it solves your issue? https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch/releases/tag/dev-build-kaalleen-pyembroidery-update1435
Huh, I thought this has been fixed a while ago, seems it is not... Ink/Stitch has troubles to recognize the color of one or more of your objects. If you...
Thank you for reporting this error message and showing your svg file. This is very helpful for us. In order to help you with your specific issue... Could you describe...