That's ... chaos :D Claudine said she is brave enough to face it, so no worries about Emilio, it will be fixed.
> Doesn't get the ResourceWarning with that one, though it doesn't do any selecting (or deselecting, if I start with an active selection). So this is working if you do...
The select elements extension should work now ok-ish. Button will need to be pushed twice sometimes though. At least no ResourceWarning is to be expected ... I think.
Would you mind to send us your svg file so we can see if we can fix the issue in the code? To fix it on your system, you may...
No file shared. I think lot's of color issues have been fixed. Let's hope this one was among them.
I think the fix isn't in any official release yet. The error is only showing up with the preserve order option enabled. Maybe you can disable it?
Ha yes, it's almost a year since the last release. Time moves on so quickly. Maybe this page here can help you to keep track of what happened after the...
What exactly do you need to know?
Thank you for the error report and for sending the file along. We need people to go this extra step and post their error messages here. Only then we are...
You mean within Inkscape? It would be possible, but it slows down Inkscape so much, that we rather did not make this an option for the stitch plan preview. ......