Which Inkscape version do you use?
Hm, not sure. Ink/Stitch shouldn't fail on it. On the other hand I don't think the svg specs would expect a comma sign there. Maybe we should investigate it first.
Thank you for your feedback. It is hard to tell what is going wrong without having a look at your files. Would it be possible to either upload your files...
See also: https://github.com/EmbroidePy/pyembroidery/issues/130
The stop command seems to somehow have lost the connection to the object. I would suggest you delete the stop command and reapply it. When you want to change the...
Watch this video here. It's a bit old, but the commands basically work the same (except that they don't need to be install previously): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RU0WzMYZ6ik&t=02m07s
An Ink/Stitch user tested the files on a tajima embroidery machine. This is his result: > I did download both those files and on both of them the embroidery machine...
Sorry, I somehow missed your post. Interesting, it never occurred to me that someone would want to use it on actual svg files. Which file format did you chose for...
Nice work! What will be the license of the font?
Closing in favor of #1918 which has been already merged to main.