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K8Spin multi-tenant operator - OSS
K8Spin Operator
Kubernetes multi-tenant operator. Enables multi-tenant capabilities in your Kubernetes Cluster.
The main features included in the Operator:
- Enable Multi-Tenant: Adds three new hierarchy concepts (Organizations, Tenants, and Spaces).
- Secure and scalable cluster management delegation: Cluster Admins creates Organizations then delegating its access to users and groups.
- Cluster budget management: Assigning resources in the organization definition makes it possible to understand how many resources are allocated to a user, team, or the whole company.
K8Spin manages the multi-tenant feature with three simple concepts:
- Organization: Created by a cluster administrator, hosts tenants. Cluster administrator can set compute quotas for the whole Organization and grant permissions to users and/or groups.
- Tenant: A tenant can be created by an Organization administrator hosting spaces. The Tenant administrator can fix compute quotas and assign roles to users and/or groups. Tenants resources should fit into Organization resources.
- Space: Tenant administrators can create Spaces. Space is an abstraction layer on top of a Namespace. A tenant administrator should assign quotas and roles to Space. Space resources should fit into Tenant resources.
Clone this repo, cd into it and:
Install with Helm 3
Take a look to the K8Spin helm chart documentation.
# Create a local cluster
$ kind create cluster
# Deploy cert-manager
$ helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
$ helm repo update
$ helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.1.0 --set installCRDs=true
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n cert-manager --all
# Deploy K8Spin operator
$ helm chart pull ghcr.io/k8spin/k8spin-operator-chart:v1.1.0
v1.1.0: Pulling from ghcr.io/k8spin/k8spin-operator-chart
ref: ghcr.io/k8spin/k8spin-operator-chart:v1.1.0
name: k8spin-operator
version: v1.1.0
Status: Downloaded newer chart for ghcr.io/k8spin/k8spin-operator-chart:v1.1.0
$ helm chart export ghcr.io/k8spin/k8spin-operator-chart:v1.1.0
$ helm install k8spin-operator ./k8spin-operator
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m --all
Install with kubectl
# Create a local cluster
$ kind create cluster
# Deploy cert-manager
$ kubectl apply -f deployments/kubernetes/cert-manager/cert-manager.yaml
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n cert-manager --all
# Deploy K8Spin operator
$ kubectl apply -f ./deployments/kubernetes/crds/ -n default
$ kubectl apply -f ./deployments/kubernetes/roles/ -n default
$ kubectl apply -f ./deployments/kubernetes/ -n default
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n default --all
Now you are ready to use the operator
$ kubectl apply -f examples/org-1.yaml
organization.k8spin.cloud/example created
$ kubectl apply -f examples/tenant-1.yaml
tenant.k8spin.cloud/crm created
$ kubectl apply -f examples/space-1.yaml
space.k8spin.cloud/dev created
As cluster-admin check organizations:
$ kubectl get org
example 86s
If you have installed the K8Spin kubectl plugin:
$ kubectl k8spin get org
Name CPU Memory
example 10 10Gi
As example
organization admin get available tenants:
kubectl get tenants -n org-example --as Angel --as-group "K8Spin.cloud"
crm 7m31s
As crm
tenant admin get spaces:
$ kubectl get spaces -n org-example-tenant-crm --as Angel --as-group "K8Spin.cloud"
dev 9m24s
Run a workload in the dev space:
$ kubectl run nginx --image nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged --replicas=2 -n org-example-tenant-crm-space-dev --as Angel --as-group "K8Spin.cloud"
pod/nginx created
Discover workloads in the dev space as space viewer:
$ kubectl get pods -n org-example-tenant-crm-space-dev --as Pau
nginx 1/1 Running 0 66s
Discover all the power of this operator reading all the documentation
We would love you to contribute to @k8spin/k8spin-operator
, pull requests are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
Using k8spin at work or in production?
See ADOPTERS.md for what companies are doing with k8spin today.
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the GNU GPLv3